Name - Ravi Prajapati
# Application Information
It is a simple "to do list application" that allows users to add and delete tasks.
# Use the following commands to run the application:
npm install
npm start
# Redux State Management
The application uses Redux for state management, including adding and deleting tasks.
# Components
-TaskInput.js: Component for adding new tasks.
-TaskList.js: Component for displaying and managing tasks.
# Redux Actions and Reducers
Redux actions (addTask, deleteTask) and reducers (taskReducer) handle task-related state changes.
# Project Structure
-components/: Contains React components (TaskInput.js, TaskList.js).
-redux/: Contains Redux-related files (actions/, reducers/, store.js).
-App.js: Main component rendering other components.
-index.js: Entry point of the application.
# to-do-app