
Figlet font for Indian languages

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Figlet font for Indian languages


Due to short amount of time, it has become banner like, nevertheless it can be hacked quite easily, my anxiety said "F$#k it! Ship it"

[x] Extract unicode ranges for Indian Languages
[x] Generate image for each unicode character
[x] Convert each image into ASCII like
[] Put all together that fits with figlet

  • [] understand font format of figlet
  • [] play with one or two unicode
  • [] try putting at once

Setup (Debian based distro)

git clone https://github.com/ravish0007/figlet-in
cd figlet-in
bash setup.sh
chmod +x banner.py

Setup Docker way :(

As no setup instructions and less support to other major operating systems

docker build . -t banner


./banner.py string

Usage (Docker)

docker run -it banner /figlet-in/banner.py string

Test (docker)

docker run -it banneer python3 /figlet-in/test.py


python3 test.py

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##P.S: If you found typo above, forgive me, I'll correct it :)