
Kannada TTS developed by IITM smtlab

Primary LanguageShell


Author : T Shrinivasan tshrinivasan@gmail.com
git clone https://github.com/tshrinivasan/tamil-tts-install.git

This is a modified script of above authors code for Kannada

This is a script to install the Kannada text to Speech System provided by IIT Madras https://www.iitm.ac.in/donlab/tts/voices.php

System requirements:

  1. Ubuntu 16.04
  2. Ubuntu 18.04

Will it work on Windows?


How to Install

git clone https://github.com/ravish0007/kannada-tts-install.git
cd kannada-tts-install
./kannada-tts.sh --clean --setup

##For other languages

Modify htsvoice url in installation script and experiment with it,
you might be having trouble in configuring, explore www.iitm.ac.in/donlab/tts

## How to convert kannada text to .wav

For  now, once installed go to build/packages/HTS-demo-ARCTIC-SLT or a similar named directory and
sh hts_synthesis.sh "kannada string" outputfile

find the outputfile.wav file in gen/gen/qst001/ver1/outputfile.wav in HTS-demo-ARCTIC-SLT directory

cd kannada-tts-install ./kannada-tts.sh --run --source kannada-text.txt

This will generate 'kannada-text.wav' file

## How to convert kannada text to .mp3

cd kannada-tts-install ./kannada-tts.sh --run --gen-mp3 --source kannada-text.txt

This will generate 'kannada-text.mp3' file

## howto set your own HTKUSER and HTKPASSWORD in kannada-tts.sh
Register here http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/download.shtml and get a username and password, replace your
own username and passward in HTKUSER and HTKPASSWORD