
Python scripts to send email using Gmail API which helps you to save cost and time on your email campaign and have a higher chance of landing email into inbox.


Python 2.7.14
pip 9.0.3

Installing [Steps to run script]

pip install httplib2
pip install oauth2client
pip install apiclient
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
pip install --upgrade python-gflags

Steps to generate the API to access gmail.

1. You need a google account - either google apps or gmail. So, if you haven't got one, go get one.
2. Get yourself to the [developers console](
3. Create a new project, and wait few seconds for that to complete.
4. Navigate to API's and Auth -> Credentials
5. Under OAuth select Create New Client ID
6. Choose Installed Application as the application type **Other**
7. You should now have a button Download JSON. Do that. It's your client_secret.json—the passwords so to speak
8. copy downloaded client_secret.json into credentials.json

Running the script

python --noauth_local_webserver

After running the script console will ask you to enter the verification code

Below one is just a demo please go through the link given in your console

Enter verfication code:

Please copy the link and enter in the browser then allow your Gmail account to give access to your application

And then copy the verification code into console then click enter your email will be sent and

It creates a file in your project directory which will have a token to send text emails without verification code.

