Challenge By Trading


This was challenge task from


The following dependencies are required to successfully run this project:

  • Docker
  • Make (Optional)

Setup Instructions

Assuming that docker & make is already available in the machine

  1. Run make env or cp .env.example .env
  2. For make Run make install
  3. For docker run docker compose up -d or docker-compose up -d
  4. Run make migrations
  5. Run make add-symbols to add necessary company symbols.
  6. Additionally, a docker-compose.override.yml can also be used to smoothen the development environment
  7. It might take some time to make the up running in Mac and Windows as the composer install runs standalone.
  8. Please add your rapid api key in the FINANCE_RAPID_API_KEY=""" var in the env before proceeding.
version: '3.4'

      context: ./docker/php
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      target: debug
        - UID=${UID:-1000}
        - GID=${GID:-1000}
    container_name: trading-point-app
    restart: unless-stopped
    tty: true
    working_dir: /var/www/
      - composer
      - mysql
      - mailer
      - ./:/var/www
      - ./docker/php/xdebug.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini

    image: maildev/maildev
    container_name: mailer
    command: maildev --smtp 25
      - "1080:1080"

The compose file adds a mail server as well and also enabled debug mode for php. As the base docker-compose file comes up with Traefik proxy installed which should serve the applcation in http://trading.localhost domain after running the up commands.

Libraries Used

  1. Vue 3
  2. Vite
  3. Tailwind CSS
  4. Vue MultiSelect
  5. Vue Validate
  6. Vue Datepicker
  7. Apex Charts

Solution Formulation

Steps I thought of when I was trying to work on this task.

  1. Creating a Laravel 10 + Vue 3 app to address the requirements..
  2. Adding proper docker-compose and docker file which address the easy browsing procedure.
  3. Installing Vite + Vue + Tailwind
    • Installation of Frontend client Vue was acutally a cumbersome task but however I wanted to experiment with Vite and Vue3.
  4. Storing the company symbols
    • As the company symbols were in a link which threw some json.I thought it would be nice to store them into the database which would help me afterwards while I search for the company symbol as there were a lot of them.
    • Because the company symbols fetching was a one time work I added a laravel command which can be run whenever we need to update the symbols.
  5. Showing the data in tabular form and Chart form

Decisions Tradeoffs & Constraints

While working on the solution I made some conscious decisions which are:

  1. Storing the company symbols:
    • Storing company symbols in database might be questionable but I wanted to reduce the number of http requests.
    • Searching on the json file is also not a problem but to do a wild card search while searching for symbols would help in giving the results faster.
  2. Queue Driver as Database
    • I consciously chose database as the queue connection but at places it can be a good choice to use other mechanisms.

Further Improvements

As developers, we need to find some balance but if I were to improve this I would have worked on these steps:

  • Implement caching on the company symbols response.
  • Implement proper queue mechanism( SQS, BEANKSTALKD).
  • Implement a better chart and improve the overall UI.