
PHP library for the App.net Stream API

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP library for the App.net Stream API

More info on the App.net Stream API here

Find more App.net code libraries and examples here

Find me on App.net here

The Stream API is currently under development. This library will be rapidly changing in accordance with changes made in the API.


Good examples of how to use the library can be found in index.php, callback.php, and signout.php

Here is a simple example of signing in, posting, and data retrieval:


require_once 'AppDotNet.php';

$app = new AppDotNet();

// check that the user is signed in
if ($app->getSession()) {

	// post on behalf of the user
	$app->createPost('Hello world');

	// get the current user as JSON
	$data = $app->getUser();

	// accessing the user's username
	echo 'Welcome '.$data['username'];

// if not, redirect to sign in
} else {

	$url = $app->getAuthUrl();
	header('Location: '.$url);



Open up AppDotNet.php for editing

You will need to change the values for the following between lines 22-34:

      Client ID
      Client Secret
      Callback URL