
Angular(6)-Node-Express-MySQL-Passport (Under Development- Basic functionalities are working)

Public (Front-End)

This /public folder contains Angular code

Server (Back-End)

This /server folder contains Node.Js(Server) code


import database from /database folder

How to Run

Note: make sure #node and #git is installed on your system.

  • Step 1 : goto /databse folder and import rhtvma.sql in your machine

  • Step 2 : goto /server

         run **npm install** 
         run **node server.js**
         Server running at http://localhost:3001/
         goto **/server/config/default.json**
         Update your databse configurationshere
          "mysql": {
             "connectionLimit": 5,
             "host": "",
             "port": 3306,
             "user": "root",
             "password": "root",
             "database": "anemp"
  • Step 3 : goto /public

         run **npm install**
         run **ng serve** for development mode/debugging use this
         Angular running at http://localhost:4200/
         run **ng build**  for production mode use this
         then just hit **http://localhost:3001/** (this will work only after **Step 2**)