
This is a movie finder app where you can search movies and its details along with a feature to main wishlist of individial users.

Deployed on Vercel

Live Link

Movie Mania

How to install

- Clone the repo
- cd into the directory
- Install dependencies using `npm install`
- Run the app using `npm start`
- Open the app in the browser on localhost:3000

environment variables

This app uses the following environment variables to configure itself:


you can find the values for these environment variables in firebase console.

## Endpoints

Get a list of all movies

Endpoint: /movies

HTTP Method: GET

Request body data format: None

Response body data format: JSON Object holding data about all movies

Get data about a single movie by title

Endpoint: /movies/[Title]

Query Parameters: [Title] of movie

HTTP Method: GET

Request body data format: None

Response body data format: JSON object holding data about a single movie, containing title, description, genre, director, imageURL, featured or not.

Response Example:

    "id": "5dbc2d5e1c8922ba13eb0367",
    "Title": "Bohemian Rhapsody",
    "ReleaseYear": "2018",
    "Description": "A chronicle of the rock band Queen, who rose to fame thanks to their revolutionary sound and the theatrics of their      front man, the iconic Freddie Mercury, culminating in their reunion for the historic set they played at Live Aid in July 1985.",
    "Genre": {    
        "Name": "Musical Drama",        
        "Description": "This movie type features a dramatic plot with a strong musical presence. Often concerning people connected to the entertainment business in some form, the soundtrack is often used to comment or illustrate on the mood of the characters."        
    "Director": {
        "Name": "Brian Singer",
        "Bio": "Hailed as one of the film industry's most exciting and provocative new talents after the huge success of The Usual Suspects (1995), director Bryan Singer has built his reputation on making films that are essentially lengthy, verbally dexterous flirtations with the darker side of human nature.",
        "Birth": "1965",
        "Death": null
    "Actors": [],    
    "ImagePath": "https://www.allmovie.com/movie/bohemian-rhapsody-v670695",
    "Featured": true

Get data about a genre by name

Endpoint: /movies/genres/[Name]

Query Parameters: [Name] of genre

HTTP Method: GET

Request body data format: None

Response body data format: A JSON object holding data about a movie genre containing name and description.

Response Example:

    "Name": "Musical Drama",
    "Description": "This movie type features a dramatic plot with a strong musical presence. Often concerning people connected to the entertainment business in some form, the soundtrack is often used to comment or illustrate on the mood of the characters."

Get data about a director by name

Endpoint: /movies/directors/[Name]

Query Parameters: [Name] of director

HTTP Method: GET

Request body data format: None

Response body data format: JSON object holding data about a director, containing name, bio, date of birth and death if existing.

Response Example:

    "Name": "Sofia Coppola",
    "Bio": "The daughter of filmmakers Eleanor and Francis Ford Coppola, she made her film debut as an infant in her father`s acclaimed crime drama film, The Godfather (1972). Coppola later appeared in a supporting role in Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) and portrayed Mary Corleone, the daughter of Michael Corleone, in The Godfather Part III (1990). Her performance in the latter was severely criticised, and she turned her attention to filmmaking.",
    "Birth": "1971",
    "Death": null

Get a list of all users

Endpoint: /users

HTTP Method: GET

Request body data format: None

Response body data format: JSON object holding data about all users.

Get a user by username

Endpoint: /users/[Username]

Query Parameters: [Username] of user

HTTP Method: GET

Request body data format: None

Response body data format: JSON object holding data about a single user.

Response Example:

    "Favorites": [],
    "_id": "5dcbfa7031b7860017f6ea43",
    "Username": "Sammy123",
    "Password": "$2b$10$Pewtk7wMnqGaKgiifUrBJ.IU/yUIIYZZTqpBFSWTluso7Oqp.eeU2",
    "Email": "sammy123@gmail.com",
    "Birthday": "1984-02-06T00:00:00.000Z",
    "__v": 0

Add a new User

Endpoint: /users


Request body data format: JSON object holding data about a user, structured like:

Request Example:

        "Username": "Loreley",
        "Password": "passit",
        "Email": "lorymail@gmail.com",
        "Birthday": "1984-02-06T00:00:00.000Z"       

Response body data format: JSON object holding data about the user that was added, including an ID and a "Favorites" key.

Response Example:

    "Favorites": [],
    "_id": "5dcd116a4aeeaa001759c134",
    "Username": "Loreley",
    "Password": "$2b$10$yLdpCBJOFrCgUsxe.b.BHO5XVpu3BaXwEDJKXKdZ3t0hU95Lg.AJ2",
    "Email": "lorymail@gmail.com",
    "Birthday": "1984-02-06T00:00:00.000Z",
    "__v": 0

Update user info by username

Endpoint: /users/[Username]

Query Parameter: [Username] of user

HTTP Method: PUT

Request body data format: JSON object holding data to be updated, structured like:

Request Example:

    "Username": "SuperMario123",
    "Password": "getNewPassword",
    "Email": "SuperMario123@gmail.com",
    "Birthday": "1984-02-06T00:00:00.000Z"    

Response body data format: JSON data holding updated user info.

Response Example:

    "Favorites": [
    "_id": "5dca6f0e309c02bd94b20429",
    "Username": "SuperMario123",
    "Password": "getNewPassword",
    "Email": "SuperMario123@gmail.com",
    "Birthday": "1984-02-06T00:00:00.000Z"

Add a movie to list of favorites by movie ID

Endpoint: /users/[Username]/Movies/[MovieID]

Query Parameter: [Username] of user and [MovieID]


Request body data format: None

Response body data format: A text message indicating the movie was added to the list of favorites and the updated list of favorites.

Response Example:

The movie with ID 5dbc2a891c8922ba13eb0363 was successfully added to list of favorites. Favorites of SuperMario123:

Delete a movie from list of favorites by movie ID

Endpoint: /users/[Username]/Movies/[MovieID]

Query Parameter: [Username] of user and [MovieID]


Request body data format: None

Response body data format: A text message indicating whether the movie was successfully removed and the updated list of favorites.

Response Example:

The movie with ID 5dbc2a891c8922ba13eb0363 was successfully deleted from the list of favorites. Favorites of
SuperMario123: 5dbc29331c8922ba13eb0361,5dbc27dc1c8922ba13eb035f

Delete user by username

Endpoint: /users/[Username]

Query Parameter: [Username] of user


Request body data format: None

Response body data format: A text message indicating whether the user account was successfully deleted.

Response Example:

superHero was deleted


The UI of myFlix is built using the React library. The interface views will handle data requested by the user through the REST API endpoints defined above.

Technical Details

The application...

  • is a single-page application
  • uses state routing to navigate between views and share URLs
  • gives users option to filter movies
  • gives users option to sort movies
  • initially uses Parcel as its built tool
  • is migrated to create-react-app
  • is written using React library and ES2015+
  • is written with React Redux
  • uses Bootstrap as a UI library for styling and responsiveness
  • contains a mix of class components and function components
  • is hosted online: MovieMania

Essential Views and Features

Main view

  • returns a list of all movies to the user (each listed item with image, title, description)
  • sorting and filtering
  • ability to select a movie for more details
  • provides links/buttons to see profile data and to log out

Movie view

  • returns data (description, genre, director, image) about a single movie to the user
  • allows users to add a movie to their list of favorites

Login view

  • allows users to login with username and password
  • provides a link for new users registration view

Registration view

  • allows new users to sign in (username, password, email, birthday)

Genre view

  • returns data about a genre (name, description)
  • displays example movies

Director view

  • returns data about a director (name, bio, birth year, death year if existing)
  • displays example movies

Profile view

  • allows users to see their profile data (username, email, birthday)

  • displays favorite movies

  • allows users to remove a movie from their list of favorites

  • provides buttons to either update or delete existing account

Update profile

  • allows users to update their user info