
Docker Volume Plugin for Google Cloud Storage (Buckets)

Primary LanguageGo

Docker Volume Plugin: Google Cloud Storage

Reserving up front a persistent disk of several 10s of GB might not seem like the best idea for some simple container use cases, let's look at an on-demand elastic bucket storage platform: Google Cloud Storage.


The goal is to use a storage bucket as a docker volume:

  • a volume would be accessible to containers running on different hosts (maybe not from same cloud provider, or even on local VM, or "native" containers on Mac)
  • direct access to the volume from the Google Cloud Storage web platform

Screencast - Youtube video


File System

Any volume needs to expose a file system to handle the "disk" I/O, however a storage bucket does not expose any.
Solution: Google Cloud Platform gcsfuse:
Cloud Storage FUSE is an open source Fuse adapter that allows you to mount Google Cloud Storage buckets as file systems on Linux or OS X systems


Install Google Cloud Platform gcsfuse


Install the Volume Driver

$ go get github.com/craimbert/docker-volume-gc-storage
$ go install github.com/craimbert/docker-volume-gc-storage

Stop Docker engine (Debian)

$ service docker stop

Generate on GCP a Service Account key in JSON format

Section To generate a private key in JSON or PKCS12 format:

Start the Volume Driver (Debian)

$ docker-volume-gc-storage -gcp-key-json gcp-srv-account-key.json

Start Docker engine

$ service docker start


  • Create a volume
$ docker volume create --driver gcstorage --name datastore

The GCS Bucket name is defined by: gcsProjectID_volumeName


  • List volumes
$ docker volume ls
gcstorage           datastore
  • Mount the volume on a container
$ docker run -it --rm -v datastore:/tmp alpine sh
/ # date > /tmp/date

The container dir /tmp is mounted on the GC Storage bucket defined by the volume datastore (through the host mountpoint /var/lib/docker-volumes/gcstorage/datastore/_data), the filesystem IO between host mountpoint and GCS bucket being handled by gcsfuse


Upload manually through Cloud Storage web portal a new foo file into the bucket:


Inside the container, the new file foo appears:

/tmp # ls -l /tmp/
total 1
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            29 Jul  7 02:17 date
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             4 Jul  7 03:50 foo

Useful Links

Google GO API

Docker Volume Driver interface


##Tested environment: Go & Docker versions

$ go version
go version go1.6.2 linux/amd64

$ docker version
 Version:      1.11.2
 API version:  1.23
 Go version:   go1.5.4
 Git commit:   b9f10c9
 Built:        Wed Jun  1 21:23:39 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Version:      1.11.2
 API version:  1.23
 Go version:   go1.5.4
 Git commit:   b9f10c9
 Built:        Wed Jun  1 21:23:39 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Common Issues

  • NTP needs to be running on the host in order to use Google APIs


On Docker for Mac: Docker engine doesn't seem to register the Volume Driver (even after engine restart):

$ docker volume create --driver gcstorage --name datastore
Error response from daemon: create datastore: create datastore: Error looking up volume plugin gcstorage: plugin not found
When actually the plugin seems to be referenced properly and behaves correctly (checking via HTTP Remote API):
$ cat /etc/docker/plugins/gcstorage.spec

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{}' \
{"Implements": ["VolumeDriver"]}

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{}' \

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{"Name": "datastore", "Opts": {}}' \

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{}' \

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -d '{"Name": "datastore"}' \

$ tree /var/lib/docker-volumes/gcstorage
└── datastore
    └── _data