This is an express middleware for displaying logs in the console and also logging your custom error, info, warning and success messages in console with colors for the messages.
Works like any other middleware in express
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const _expressLog = require('express-server-logs');
const app = express();
const log = new _expressLog();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
Using with options express-server-logs takes 2 arguments one for productionMode and other is options
const log = new _expressLog(productionMode, options);
productionMode can be true or false, for true your custom messages will not display to console and for false it will.
Options here is an object
date: true,
url: true,
method: true,
headers: true,
pathParam: true,
bodyParam: true,
queryParam: true
Set value of key to false if you don't want that info to be display in logs. By default productionMode is false and options have true for all keys
const log = new _expressLog(true, {
date: true,
url: true,
method: true,
headers: true,
pathParam: false,
bodyParam: true,
queryParam: true,
generateLogs: true,
generateLogsPath: ''
You can log your custom error messages to console using predefined messages in express-server-logs Pre defined custom messages are of type info(), success(), error(), warning()
const log = new _expressLog();
console = log;'test info'); // same like our'test info')
pass key "generateLogs" to generate logs.txt in project root, or change file path passing the file path to generateLogsPath.'test info'); // for info color will be blue
log.success('test success'); // for success color is green
log.error('test error'); // for error color is red
log.warning('test warning'); // for warning color is yellow
- express-server-logs should be use after the body parser *
- for productionMode = true the custom messages will not be displayed to console *