Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for 3D MRI images [for deepBrainHackMTL-2017]

Primary LanguagePython

DCGAN (pix2pix-keras in Keras 1.0)

CycleGAN (implemented in Keras 2.0)

currently works only with 2D images [tested]

Check DCGAN-keras/main.py and CycleGAN-keras/basic_usage.py for the usage.

  • [DONE] port the code to work with 3D images (nifti to begin with)
  • [WIP] train the GAN to predict T2w from T1w, and T2w from T1w
  • [TODO] implement model test function
  • [TODO] find ~optimal hyper-parameters

The official version of these implementations is published here, and here.