
Queue service implemented with mongo as backend datastore.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Task queue built on mongo with channels and unique job id.

WebsiteautobotAI Automation Platform

Inspired from kapilt/mongoqueue

Change Log:


  • Added depends_on feature. You can create dependency between jobs by supplying depends_on[] with previously created job ids.


  • Added unique index with job_id and channel. This is to make sure that the same job is not added multiple times. If not job id provided an unique id generated by default.


Install the package.

pip install mongo_queue

Usage Example:

  • Create Queue Object
from mongo_queue.queue import Queue
from pymongo import MongoClient

queue = Queue(MongoClient('localhost', 27017).task_queue, consumer_id="consumer-1", timeout=300, max_attempts=3)
  • Add task to queue default channel
queue.put({"task_id": 1})
  • Add task to queue with priority to default channel
queue.put({"task_id": 1}, priority=1)
  • Add task to queue in a specific channel
queue.put({"task_id": 1}, priority=1, channel="channel_1")
  • Add task to queue with unique job_id
queue.put({"task_id": 1}, priority=1, channel="channel_1", job_id="x_job")
  • Add task with dependency
job1 = queue.put({"task_id": 1}, priority=1, channel="channel_1", job_id="x_job")
job2 = queue.put({"task_id": 2}, priority=1, channel="channel_1", job_id="x_job", depends_on=[job1])
  • Get the next job to be executed from the default channel
job = queue.next()
  • Get the next job to be executed from a specific channel
job = queue.next(channel="channel_1")
  • Update job progress for long-running jobs
  • Put the job back in queue, this will be picked up again later, this will update attempts after max attempts the job will not be picked up again.
  • Put the job back in queue with error, this will be picked up again later, this will update attempts after max attempts the job will not be picked up again.
job.error("Some error occured")
  • Complete the job. This will delete job from the database.

Build Steps

# Setup venv of python version 3.6 and above
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install --upgrade twine
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
python -m twine upload --repository-url https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*