Sourcelist sidebar + MacGap

Primary LanguageObjective-C



All commands in the MacGap property are now capitalized except the base MacGap object, not sure if I should change this or not.


Properties description
Methods Arguments description
activate none
terminate none
hide none
unhide none
beep none
bounce none
setUserAgent string


Properties description
x current X coord
y current Y corrd
Methods Arguments description
move (int) x, (int) y
resize (int) width, (int) height
title (string) title
minimize none
maximize none
restore none
toggleFullscreen none


Properties description
menuItems list of current menu's items
type type of menu
Methods Arguments description
addItem (object) { label: "Title", keys: "cmd+g", index: 1, callback: function() { ... } }
getItem (string) Name OR (int) Index
addSeparator none
create (string) title, (string) type type is optional except for status bar menus, for those type must be 'statusbar'


Properties description
submenu gets or sets menu items submenu
Methods Arguments description
addSubmenu (string) title
setKey (string) keys sets menu's accelerator keys
setLabel (string) label sets/changes menu item's label
remove none


Properties description
menu gets/sets the status items menu
Methods Arguments description
createItem (object) { image: "path/to/image", alternateImage: "path/to/alt/image", onClick: function() { ... } }


Methods Arguments description
openDialog (object) { files: true, multiple: true, directories: true, callback: function() {...} } all params are optional and default to false
saveDialog (object) { {title:"Sheet Title", prompt: "Button Text", message: "Sheet Message", filename: "myfile.txt", createDirs: true, allowedTypes: ['txt', 'doc', 'js'], callback: function(result) { console.log(result); }}}


Properties description
isRunning is task currently running, returns boolean
waitUntilExit primarily used as a setter, see NSTask reference for what this is
arguments set/get arguments to pass to task. Passed arguments need to be in the form of an array, i.e. task.arguments = ['arg1', 3, 'whatever'];
environment set's the tasks environment, defaults to app's environment
Methods Arguments description
create (string) path, (func) callback path argument is to the executable for the task
launch none launches task
terminate none kills currently running task


Properties description
defaults get defined defaults as js object
Methods Arguments description
set (string) key, (any) value, (string) type key and value are required, if type is omitted, the value is saved as a string.
get (string) key, (string) type type is optional, if not defined, will return the keys value as a string. Accepted types are: "string", "int", "bool", "float", "url", "object"

API Usage


//add main menu item to a menu - everything but label is optional
var myMenu = MacGap.Menu.addItem({label: 'My Label', index: 1 });

//add item to newly created menu
myMenu.addItem({label: 'My Label', keys: 'cmd+t', callback: function() { ... } });

//add submenu to myMenu
var sub = myMenu.addSubmenu('My Title');
//add items
sub.addItem({ ... });

more to follow


 //create simple status item
 MacGap.StatusItem.create({image:"path/to/image", alternateImage: "path/to/altimage"});
 //create status item with click callback
 MacGap.StatusItem.create({image:"path/to/image", alternateImage: "path/to/altimage", onClick: function() { ... } });

 //Create and add a menu to the statusbar. Note that adding a menu to a status item disables any onClick events
 // Setting the second 'type' parameter in the create method to 'statusbar' keeps MacGap from automatically adding sub-menus to the menu items you create (this is because the status items don't have a supermenu like the main menu)
 var menu  = MacGap.Menu.create('My Menu', 'statusbar'); 

 // add items to the menu
 menu.addItem('My Menu Item', '', 0, function() { alert('I was clicked!'); });
 menu.addItem('Another Menu Item', '', 1, function() { ... });

 //add the menu to the status item
 MacGap.StatusItem.menu = menu;