Dark Forest Game on Blockchain. Follow these steps in order to make things work:
you need truffle
and ganache-cli
installed with npm install -g
. if you are having troubles try sudo npm install -g
then run ./local-deploy
. this compiles the solidity contracts with truffle, starts running a local blockchain with ganache-cli, and then deploy the contracts to the blockchain.
remember to npm install
in ./client
before trying to run the webapp with
npm start
to interact with the webapp in browser, you need metamask. point metamask to http://localhost:8545
, which is the port that ganache-cli
defaults to when running the local blockchain. Also import the following private key as an account in your metamask: 0xD44C7963E9A89D4F8B64AB23E02E97B2E00DD57FCB60F316AC69B77135003AEF
. Our ganache
blockchain which is started up by local-deploy.sh
automatically puts in 100eth into this account.
make sure that you've run ./local-deploy
at least once before trying to run the webapp. this builds some necessary files.
whenever you run ./local-deploy
again, you'll need to Reset Account
in MetaMask to clear old/stale transaction data.
if you are modifying anything SNARK-related, you may be interested in rebuilding circuits / redoing setup.
we depend on a few packages which handle snark-related build processes.
- global dependencies: first
npm install -g snarkjs
andnpm install -g circom
to installsnarkjs
programs globally. - local dependencies: then, run
npm install
in the./client
directory. this ensures that you have a local copy ofcircomlib
now you can run ./compile.sh
in circuits/init
and circuits/move
to rebuild circuit.json
, proving_key.json
, verification_key.json
, and the verifier.sol
solidity contract.
for your convenience, a sample input.json
and public.json
pair is also included for sanity test checks. input.json
is a sample input, public.json
is public parameters. compile.sh
will create witness.json
and verification_key.json
, and print to the console verifying that the proof is generated and verifies properly.