- 0
Add the satelite type to the state.satsVisible
#42 opened by marcelrv - 5
regarding previous Issue on kalman filter
#36 opened by pedefe - 1
can you add altitude to kalman filter?
#28 opened by vinnitu - 1
Adding state['heading'] for $GPHDT
#41 opened by aerodyz - 9
GDOP and Hv
#39 opened by smolleyes - 1
Issue parsing BDGSV
#38 opened by Pupix - 6
Error: Invalid RMC length
#30 opened by antonysimstonlivera - 6
Updating state based on multiple sentences
#35 opened by micaminoff - 20
Invalid GGA/GSV length
#9 opened by artus9033 - 28
GSV merge is inconsistent, "blinking" satsVisible / it disappears and reappears.
#32 opened by VigibotDev - 1
- 2
GPS.DISTANCE returns distance in km rather than meters as specified in the function protoype.
#27 opened by srich36 - 13
Consider using your own Fraction.js as a dependency
#26 opened by eXeDK - 1
Invalid GGA length
#25 opened by alban-ameti - 9
solution for make the weft more reliable ?
#24 opened by TIB28 - 2
Invalid GLL length
#23 opened by alban-ameti - 64
zed-f9P ardusimple compatibility
#22 opened by smolleyes - 1
Types are missing on npm release
#20 opened by rosostolato - 3
Invalid GGA Fix For new GPS
#21 opened by penteseter123 - 0
Method for Azimuth and Elevation
#12 opened by infusion - 1
Using with gpsd
#16 opened by vtushevskiy - 5
- 3
"Satelites" should be spelled "satellites"
#15 opened by tim-rohrer - 3
GST not yet supported in current release
#14 opened by connyhald - 7
Error: Invalid GGA length
#13 opened by tim-rohrer - 2
Does the GPS server have to be local or can I capture the sentence from any port on the network?
#11 opened by tim-rohrer - 2
Loading with wp_enqueue_script into WordPress
#10 opened by tim-rohrer - 2
GPS Port Check
#6 opened by Craytor - 6
Dashboard Examples Issue
#7 opened by ilyhel - 8
Example issue
#5 opened by Craytor - 1