
ssh-client is a tool to execute commands on multiple hosts by ssh

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go Report Card

ssh-client is a tool to execute commands concurrently on multiple hosts by ssh. It can be used as go module in your app or executing it from the binary.


  • To build the provider



  • ssh-cli tool
$ ./ssh-client -h
   ssh-client - ssh client to multiple nodes

   ssh-client [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Rancher Labs, Inc.

   run      Run commnads on nodes
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug, -d    Debug logging (default: false)
   --quiet, -q    Quiet mode, disables logging and only critical output will be printed (default: false)
   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)
  • ssh-cli run command
./ssh-client run -h
   ssh-client run - Run commnads on nodes

   ssh-client run [command options] [arguments...]

   --cmds value              Comma separated commands to run
   --cmd_files value         Comma separated script files to run
   --timeout value           Command execution timeout interval. Set 0 to disable (default: "300s")
   --config value, -c value  Specify config YAML file [$SSH_CLIENT_CONFIG]
   --hosts value             Comma separated host ip to connect
   --port value, -p value    Host port to connect (default: "22")
   --user value, -u value    Username to auth (default: "rancher")
   --password value          Password to auth
   --ssh_agent_auth          Use SSH agent auth (default: false)
   --ssh_key value           SSH key to auth
   --ssh_key_pass value      SSH key passphrase to auth. Optional
   --ssh_key_path value      SSH key path to auth (default: "/Users/rsanchez/.ssh/id_rsa")
   --ssh_keep_alive value    SSH connection keep alive interval (default: "30s")
   --ssh_timeout value       SSH connection timeout interval. Set 0 to disable (default: "30s")
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)


The tool can be configured in different ways:

  • using run arguments:
   --cmds value              Comma separated commands to run
   --cmd_files value         Comma separated script files to run
   --timeout value           Command execution timeout interval. Set 0 to disable (default: "300s")
   --config value, -c value  Specify config YAML file [$SSH_CLIENT_CONFIG]
   --hosts value             Comma separated host ip to connect
   --port value, -p value    Host port to connect (default: "22")
   --user value, -u value    Username to auth (default: "rancher")
   --password value          Password to auth
   --ssh_agent_auth          Use SSH agent auth (default: false)
   --ssh_key value           SSH key to auth
   --ssh_key_pass value      SSH key passphrase to auth. Optional
   --ssh_key_path value      SSH key path to auth (default: "/Users/rsanchez/.ssh/id_rsa")
   --ssh_keep_alive value    SSH connection keep alive interval (default: "30s")
   --ssh_timeout value       SSH connection timeout interval. Set 0 to disable (default: "30s")
   --help, -h                show help (default: false)
  • using config file --config file. The config file should be in yaml format:
- address: string
  port: string
  user: string
  password: string
  ssh_agent_auth: bool
  ssh_key: string
  ssh_key_pass: string
  ssh_key_path: string
  ssh_cert: string
  ssh_cert_path: string
  ssh_timeout: string
  ssh_keep_alive: string
  - cmd1
  - cmdN
  - file1
  - fileN 
timeout: string


The tool can ssh auth in different ways:

  • Using ssh key, --ssh_key key and optionally --ssh_key_pass value if key requires password
  • Using ssh key path, --ssh_key_path file and optionally --ssh_key_pass value if key requires password
  • Using ssh key agent, --ssh_agent_auth
  • Using password, --password value


Copyright (c) 2019 Rancher Labs, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.