
New bKash Payment Gateway API for Laravel Framework as well as Raw PHP. Especially for bKash Tokenized Checkout.

Primary LanguagePHP

bKash Payment ~ Laravel & Raw PHP

New bKash Payment Gateway API for Laravel Framework as well as Raw PHP. Specially for bKash Tokenized Checkout.

bkash-payment bkash-tokenized-payment

Laravel Framework

You can easily use it for your laravel framework project. Check the routes.php, bkash-payment.blade.php and BkashController.php files and enjoy.

Raw PHP Guidelines

You can use it for your raw PHP project. I have collected these code from bKash Developer GitHub. Please goto Raw PHP folder and get all the files. Run the payment.php file on your server.

  1. app_key/app_secret and username/password will be shared with merchants during payment gateway onboarding.
  2. Merchant should preapre own code-base using provided sample.
  3. Merchant should go through https://developer.bka.sh/reference first for clear understanding about payment gateway APIs.

Information / Requirements

This is for bkash Merchant Payment Gateway. If You have bkash Merchant account then you can get payment from your customers and send them auto confirmation via your website.

  1. PHP: cURL
  2. Javascript : jQuery
  3. To integrate bKash Payment Gateway your site must have a valid SSL certificate.
  4. API timeout of 30sec should be set for all the APIs.

Steps for using solutions of bKash Payment Gateway

Step 1: On-board as a bKash Merchant

app_key + app_secret and username + password will be shared with merchants during payment gateway onboarding.

Step 2: Stage on Sandbox

Sandbox endpoint: https://.sandbox.bka.sh

Step 3: Go Live on Production

Production endpoint: https://.pay.bka.sh

Required APIs

  1. Developer Portal (detail Product, workflow, API information): https://developer.bka.sh/docs/checkout-process-overview
  2. Grant Token : https://developer.bka.sh/v1.2.0-beta/reference#gettokenusingpost
  3. Create Payment : https://developer.bka.sh/v1.2.0-beta/reference#createpaymentusingpost
  4. Execute Payment : https://developer.bka.sh/v1.2.0-beta/reference#executepaymentusingpost
  5. Query Payment : https://developer.bka.sh/v1.2.0-beta/reference#querypaymentusingget
  6. Search Transaction Details : https://developer.bka.sh/v1.2.0-beta/reference#searchtransactionusingget

Checkout Demo

  1. Go to https://merchantdemo.sandbox.bka.sh/frontend/checkout/version/1.2.0-beta
  2. Wallet Number: 01770618575
  3. OTP: 123456
  4. Pin: 12121


Alhamdulillah ~ All Praise is Due to ALLAH Alone ...

Its my open source contribution. Thank you for using.


  1. Abdullah Al Noman
  2. Abdullah Al Mamun ❤️ ❤️