This script implements distributed bug tracking for Git repositories. It replicates the functionality of packages like ticgit, but does so in the form of a more standalone Python script. You can check this script in along with your project in order to ensure that all contributors are able to view the bug database using the same version of the script that you used to create them. # Usage git issues new [-m "Comment for the issue"] "Issue title" git issues list # show all issues git issues show OFFSET|HASH git issues push # submit your issues via repo or e-mail git issues pull # merge in the latest issues git issues close ID # mark an issue as closed # Data Structure The data for `git-issues` is kept in a separate branch named `issues`. The user is never intended to checkout this branch, it's used solely for record keeping by the `git-issues` script. If you were to checkout this branch, you'd find a set of top-level directories, each giving the first two characters of a Git object name (hash id). This mirrors the way that loose objects are organized within `.git/objects`. In each of these directories is another set of directories, this time spelling out the remaining 38 characters of each issue's unique object name. No matter what is done with an issue, this reference to it never changes. In each each uniquely named issue directory may be found one or more files of the following form: ## `issue.xml` The data file changes throughout the history of an issue, even though the object name for the issue (it's 40-byte hash) is always used from the time of creation onward. Issues are mutable, after all. The file is in a very straightforward form of XML, where each data string occupies its own line to facilitate merging. Note that for any XML haters out there, you'll never have to look at this data. I just picked XML because it's (a) relatively future-proof, and (b) very merge-friendly. The data contained maps directly on to what you see from the `git issues show` command. Use `git issues dump` to view the XML directly, or for importing into a higher-level script. Here's some of the data this file tracks: * Title * Summary * Description * Author: Who wrote the actual issue record * Reporter: Who reported this issue * Owner: Who is responsible for closure * Assigned: Who is it presently assigned to * Cc: Who else wants to know about it * Status: new, open, pending, deferred, closed * Resolution: fixed, wontfix, dup * Type: defect, feature, docs * Component * Version * Milestone * Severity: blocker, critical, major, minor, cosmetic * Priority: high, med, low * Tags ## `comment_[ISO_TIMESTAMP]_[HASH].xml` A comment is a note attached to an issue. This XML file records: * When the comment was created * When the comment was last edited * The author of the comment * The text of the comment itself * Any attachments associated with the comment. ## filename An attachment is a text or binary file which has been linked to an issue. It's name is the same as the filename it's created under. There must always be one or more comments that refer to the attachment, otherwise the system is free to delete it. ## Top-level `project.xml` file Also, at the top-level of the `issues` branch is a file which contains information relating to the whole project. The file is named `project.xml` and contains the following information. * Statuses * Resolutions * Types * Components * Versions * Milestones * Severities * Priorities Each of these identifies a legal set of values for the given field. Only the "Tags" field is freely assignable to any value; all other fields must match one of the settings in the `project` file. The Component field can also specify default "Owners" for each component. This is the person (or people) who get notified automatically about changes in the issue whenever they pull the new issue down from the public repository. Lastly, the Version field must match an existing tag name.
A distributed issue tracking system based on Git repositories, written in Python