
Enabling Global Illumination in Time of Day/Night

norz3n opened this issue · 0 comments

Greetings to the author and all shader users.

I have this question: Why don't the standard skyboxes use global illumination?

It sounds strange, but on "Helipad GoldenHour" you get a deeper picture:

Raycast Render Test

On "Time of Day/Night" this is the result:

Raycast Render Test(Standart Skybox)

For some reason there are more shadows here, increasing DifferentLight leads to very bright lighting, which is difficult to edit on Post-processing, for example, with the same ikClut. And sometimes even maximum magnification doesn't help, and the shadows are still darker.

I would like to see a setting in the shader that would enable global lighting.

I understand that you can use additional light sources, but sometimes it doesn't look good.

How this could be added:
Implement functions: SKYBOX_HDR_ENABLE, SKYBOX_HDR_RGBT_ENABLE and SKYBOX_HDR_FILE in standard skyboxes, with HDR and DDS files pre-created for them.
This will allow to make more natural lighting