Blockchain Address Classifier

This project provides tools to scrape blockchain addresses, process datasets, train a machine learning model to classify blockchain addresses, and perform predictions on new addresses.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd blockchain-address-classifier
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Collection and Preprocessing

If you need to collect new data or process raw datasets, follow these steps:

  1. Scrape blockchain addresses (optional):

    python sol --frequency 5 --delay 120 # for solana
    python oklink # for btc, eth, avax, bsc etc

    Modify the parameters as needed.

  2. Process the scraped datasets (optional):

   python --eth_input /path/to/eth_addresses.csv --btc_input /path/to/bitcoin_address.csv --output_dir /path/to/output/directory

This script processes Ethereum ,Bitcoin , and all other csv address datasets that have been scrapped and makes it into a combines csv. Adjust the input paths as necessary.

Model Training and Prediction

Training the Model (optional)

To train the blockchain address classification model:

python train --input path_to_your_input.csv --model model_output_path.joblib

This will train the model, save it to the specified path, and generate an OOB error plot.

  • --input: Path to your preprocessed CSV file containing addresses and their corresponding blockchains.
  • --model: Path where you want to save the trained model.

For Batch prediction of a lot of addresses :

Making Predictions

To predict the blockchain for a given address:

python predict --input 0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e --model path_to_your_model.joblib

To predict a batch of a lot of addresses in a txt file. The file format should be one address per line:

python predict_batch --input path_to_addresses.txt --model path_to_your_model.joblib --output predictions_output.csv

  • --input: The blockchain address you want to classify.
  • --model: Path to your trained model file.
  • --output: Path where you want to save the CSV file with predictions.

This will process all addresses in the input file and create a CSV file with two columns: Address and Predicted_Blockchain.

File Descriptions

  • Script for scraping blockchain addresses.
  • Script for processing raw datasets.
  • Script for training the classification model and making predictions.
  • requirements.txt: List of Python dependencies.