
my simple OS in real mode with NASM

Primary LanguageAssemblyGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


my simple OS

phase One:

  • testing only in qemu
  • simple real modus
  • only Assembler (at moment NASM)
  • simple output
  • simple file input with write to disk file

our memory layout is real mode, we dont use segments

0x7c00 - 0x7dff boot sector 0x7e00 - 0x9dff kernel 8k Memory (thus kernel should not be bigger as 8kb)

0x0007FFFF is our upper segment stack

file is 1440 kB big 2880 512Byte sectors

Sector 0: bootloader Sector 1-16: kernel, 16 sectors -> 8kByte Sector 100-x: command file to execute