
Miniblog using Django

Primary LanguageHTML

Django Mini Blog

A Mini Blog using Django and Boostrap

Steps To be followed

* Create a Virtual enviornment using 

python -m venv virtualenv_name

* Activate the virtualenv.

source virtualenv_name/Scripts/activate

* Create Django project using

django-admin startproject projectname

* Create Django app in the created Django project using

python manage.py startapp appname

*Run the app using

python mange.py runserver

A MiniBlog using Django and Bootsrap/css. It can do all the CRUD operations and also contains the authorization system. The logedin person can add post and Edit the post but cannot Delete it. Only the admin person can do both Edit and Delete operations.

It conatains the dashboard page where logedin person can see the post and his profile. the home page contains all the posts that has been created.

Created seacrh option where user can search anything he wants to find. Added comments and replies to a post and also the total number of views of the post.


  • Python 3
  • Django