
There are numerous reasons to learn C++, but what is C++? C++ is a powerful, flexible, general purpose programming language that supports a number of different coding paradigms, including object-oriented, procedural, functional and generic programming. What is now called C++ was originally C with classes, developed in the late 1970s by Danish computer scientist, Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ began its life as a set of enhancements to allow object-oriented programming in C. C++ is an extension of the C langugage. The standard incorporates the entire C language, adding many powerful features while retaining as much of C's syntax, effiencency, and utility as possible.

C++ is used to write code at all levels, including firmware, operating systems, and applications. Today vast numbers of medium to large-scale applications are written in C++. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Firefox, Google Chrome, and most web browsers are written in C++. Major websites like Amazon, Facebook, and Google are either written in or have signficant backend resources written in C++. Most programming languages including Java, PHP, Python, and Perl are written in C or C++.

What we'll be going over is Basic Syntax, Data types, operators & functions, classes & objects, templates, the standard templaye library (STL)