Recurrent Transformer

This repository contains the codes to reproduce the experiments for the submission "Learning to Solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Recurrent Transformers".

Datasets bigger than 100MB or from existing repositories

Please download the following dataset files from the given link and put to the given destination.

filename description from to
palm_i2t_train.csv RRN-V (train) data/visual_sudoku/palm_i2t_train.csv SATNet-V (input) data/satnet/ SATNet (input) same as above data/satnet/ SATNet and SATNet-V (label) same as above data/satnet/ cell permutation for SATNet and SATNet-V same as above data/satnet/
train.csv RRN (train) data/sudoku-hard/train.csv
valid.csv RRN (valid) same as above data/sudoku-hard/valid.csv
test.csv RRN (test) same as above data/sudoku-hard/test.csv


  1. Install Anaconda according to its installation page.
  2. Create a new environment using the following commands in terminal.
conda create -n rt python=3.7
conda activate rt
  1. Install tqdm, Numpy, Pandas, matplotlib, and wandb
conda install -c anaconda tqdm numpy pandas
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
python3 -m pip install wandb
wandb login
  1. Install Pytorch according to its Get-Started page. Below is an example command we used on Linux with cuda 10.2.
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

or for CPU only

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch

To generate visual Sudoku dataset

One can download the visual Sudoku training dataset palm_i2t_train.csv from the above provided link or generate with the following commands.

cd data
python --problem_type i2t

To reproduce the experimental results with a single bash file

Note that it will take a long time for training since it assumes a single GPU and runs every experiment for runs (specified in line 4 of times with different random seeds in {1, 2, ..., runs}. One can comment out most of the script and run one experiment at a time with a different GPU index.


To run textual Sudoku experiments

  • To run the baseline model L1R32H4 on 9k/1k train/test SATNet data on GPU 0.
cd sudoku
python --all_layers --n_layer 1 --n_recur 32 --n_head 4 --epochs 200 --eval_interval 1 --lr 0.001 --dataset satnet --gpu 0
  • To apply the constraint losses L_sudoku c1 and L_attention att_c1 with default weights 1 and 0.1 to the above baseline on GPU 1.
cd sudoku
python --all_layers --n_layer 1 --n_recur 32 --n_head 4 --epochs 200 --eval_interval 1 --lr 0.001 --dataset satnet --gpu 1 --loss c1 att_c1 --hyper 1 0.1
  • One can also test on Palm dataset by specifying --dataset palm and/or use --n_train 180000 to change the number of training data from 9k (default) to 180k.
  • One can always specify --wandb in the command to visualize the results in wandb. This also applies to all experiments below.

To run visual Sudoku experiments

  • To run the baseline model L1R32H4 on 9k/1k train/test SATNet-V data on GPU 2.
cd visual_sudoku
python --all_layers --n_layer 1 --n_recur 32 --n_head 4 --epochs 500 --eval_interval 1 --lr 0.001 --dataset satnet --gpu 2
  • To apply the constraint losses L_sudoku c1 and L_attention att_c1 with default weights 1 and 0.1 to the above baseline on GPU 3.
cd visual_sudoku
python --all_layers --n_layer 1 --n_recur 32 --n_head 4 --epochs 500 --eval_interval 1 --lr 0.001 --dataset satnet --gpu 3 --loss c1 att_c1 --hyper 1 0.1

To run 16x16 Sudoku experiments

cd sudoku_16
python --dataset easy
python --dataset medium

To run shortest path experiments

cd shortest_path
python --gpu 0 --grid_size 4
python --gpu 1 --grid_size 4 --loss path
python --gpu 2 --grid_size 12
python --gpu 3 --grid_size 12 --loss path

To run MNIST mapping experiment

cd MNIST_mapping

To run nonogram experiments

cd nonogram
python --game_size 7 --gpu 0
python --game_size 15 --gpu 1


The GPT implementation is from Andrej Karpathy's minGPT repo. Note that we replaced the causal self-attention in GPT model with typical self-attention by setting causal_mask=False whenever it is used. In this way, logical variable X_i is able to pay attention to another logical variable X_j when j>i.