
A plug for serving single page apps directly from your Elixir application.

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Version Hex Docs License

A plug for serving single page apps directly from your Elixir application.


Add spa_plug to your dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    # ...
    {:spa_plug, "~> 1.0.0"}


If using Phoenix, you can put it in lib/your_app/endpoint.ex. Order is important for plugs or middlewares in other frameworks. The same applies to SpaPlug, as it rewrites the Plug.conn as necessary. Also, keep in mind that potentially it can take over other routes. By default, "/api", "/dev" and "/metrics" are already excluded, adjust :except for your specific needs or rearrange your plugs.

  plug SpaPlug,
    at: "/",
    from: :your_app,
    only: YourAppWeb.static_paths(),
    # example: always up-to-date index page with immutable assets
    # ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#up-to-date_contents_always

    # your assets should be requested with the query param "vsn", or include the headers below
    # headers: [{"cache-control": "max-age=31536000, immutable"}],

    # this assumes your index.html is in the default priv/static directory as well, otherwise pass :from in :index_merge_opts
    index_merge_opts: [headers: [{"cache-control", "no-cache"}]]


See https://hex.pm/packages/spa_plug.


The plug should be tested against the plug version listed in mix.exs.


Without the SSR on Node.js platform you will need to host your React or Vue.js apps as static assets. The typical solution would be to put a reverse proxy like Nginx in front. However, if you don't want to do it for some reason, there are no built-in or third party libraries for doing this. Plain Plug.Static would only serve the whole directory as it is.

Alternatively you can also just use catch all requests and call Plug.Conn.send_file/5 or Phoenix.Controller.render/2 in your router or controller, but it is not as performant or flexible despite the inconvenience. With this plug your phoenix application can keep the same docker image from mix phx.gen.release --docker. It works standalone or with a CDN as well, just point it to your servers as origin.