
Host your own private git server with support for multiple users

Primary LanguagePython


Git-Tent is an application that allows you to host your own git server on your own machine.


Any unix machine (Linux, OSX, FreeBSD) with Python installed.


# Install required package (Python YAML module)
# Choose one:
sudo apt-get install python-yaml  # Ubuntu, Debian
sudo yum install PyYAML           # CentOS, Fedora
sudo pip install pyyaml           # Using Python PIP

# add user named "git"
sudo adduser git

# Switch to the new user
sudo su - git

# Download and unpack package
wget https://github.com/rayed/git-tent/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv git-tent-master git-tent
cd git-tent
./git-tent.py sample_config > git-tent-config.yaml

The application will over write the "authorized_keys" file, DON'T USE in with your normal account.

The applcaition default settings are:

  user: git
  home: /home/git
  authorized_keys: /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
  shell_file: /home/git/git-tent/git-tent.py
  log_file: /home/git/git-tent/git-tent.log
  repos_dir: /home/git/git-tent/repos/

Copy and edit the previous section to your config as needed.


git-tent is configured using a single YAML file "git-tent-config.yaml", the file have the following structure:



- name: project1
    - rayed
    - mohammed

- name: project2
    users: [rayed, khaled]


- name: rayed
    - "ssh-rsa AAAA....    rayed@host1"
    - "ssh-rsa AAAA....    rayed@host2"

- name: mohammed
    - "ssh-rsa AAAA....    mohammed@host1"
    - "ssh-rsa AAAA....    mohammed@host2"

- name: khaled
    - "ssh-rsa AAAA....    khaled@host1"
    - "ssh-rsa AAAA....    khaled@host2"

Edit the name of the reposirtoes you want to create, and add your PUBLIC keys (and other team members keys too).

After editing the file you need to run:

./git-tent.py setup

This will create two reposirtory "project1" and "project2", which can be accessed from any other machine.

Accessing the Repo

Create a new repository on the command line:

echo "# test" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin git@your_server:project1.git
git push -u origin master

OR push an existing repository from the command line:

git remote add origin git@your_server:project1.git
git push -u origin master


  1. Add two levels of access, read-only, and read-write.
  2. Add groups


You can access your public keys in github from the following URL (replace user with your account): https://github.com/user.keys