
Eco Tech Quest is an interactive quiz platform that challenges users with questions related to sustainability and technology.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Eco Tech Quest


The inspiration behind the Eco Tech Quest was the desire to raise awareness about sustainability and technology. 🌱 We aimed to create an engaging quiz that would educate users about the core concepts of sustainability and its positive impact on the environment. By incorporating interactive elements and practical tips, we aimed to inspire individuals to make conscious choices for a greener tomorrow. 🌍

What it does 🚀

Eco Tech Quest is an interactive quiz platform that challenges users with questions related to sustainability and technology. Each question presents multiple-choice options, allowing participants to test their knowledge and understanding of sustainable practices. Users can click on their preferred option, and the platform provides real-time feedback, indicating whether their answer is correct or not. At the end of the quiz, users receive a score based on their correct answers and are presented with a personalized message based on their performance. 🤓

How we built it 🛠️

Eco Tech Quest was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The HTML structure defines the quiz sections, question display, options, and the result section. CSS styling was applied to create an appealing user interface, ensuring a visually engaging experience. The JavaScript code handles the dynamic question display, tracks user responses, calculates the score, and offers instant feedback. It also manages the rotation of questions to ensure participants encounter diverse challenges. 🔧

Challenges we ran into ⚙️

While developing Eco Tech Quest, we encountered various challenges. One significant challenge was designing the user interface to be user-friendly and visually appealing. Another hurdle involved structuring the JavaScript logic to efficiently track user responses, display questions, and calculate scores accurately. Additionally, crafting informative and concise sustainability tips that align with each question required thoughtful consideration. Despite these obstacles, we persisted and collaborated to overcome them. 💪

Accomplishments that we're proud of 🏆

We are proud to have created Eco Tech Quest, a dynamic and interactive platform that educates and motivates users to adopt sustainable practices. The seamless integration of JavaScript functionality for dynamic question display and real-time feedback adds depth to the quiz experience. Our achievement lies in successfully combining education, interactivity, and fun to raise awareness about sustainability in a way that resonates with participants. 🌟

What we learned 🧠

Throughout the development of Eco Tech Quest, we learned about the importance of user experience in promoting engagement. We gained valuable insights into crafting informative and impactful sustainability tips that complement each question. Additionally, we improved our JavaScript skills by implementing dynamic content delivery and event handling. 📚

We also learned how to work effectively in a team, as this was our first hackathon together. One of our team members learned about the hackathon workflow and version control systems, contributing to a smooth development process. We delved into the basics of deploying through GitHub Actions, even though it was a challenge to sync our work as a team. Working together gave us valuable experiences and taught us the power of collaboration. 🤝

What's next for Eco Tech Quest 🚀

The journey of Eco Tech Quest does not end here. In the future, we envision expanding the quiz with more challenging questions and a broader range of sustainability topics. We plan to enhance the user interface with interactive animations and appealing visuals, fostering a captivating learning experience. Furthermore, we aim to enrich the quiz with the latest industry insights. Our ultimate goal is to reach a broader audience, inspiring individuals worldwide to become sustainability advocates and collectively build a greener and more sustainable future. 🌏🌿

We also intend to continue our team collaboration, learning from each other, and striving for even better hackathon experiences. Together, we believe we can make a real impact in promoting sustainable development and creating positive change for our planet. 🌍🌱

Hacky Birthday MLH🥳🎉