
misc elisp packages

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Everything looks like magic when you don’t understand it.

— Catherynne M. Valente, Afterword in The Melancholy of Mechagirl

Note: This readme is automatically generated.

General Notes

I recommend either cloning the repo and running one of the package-install-* functions, or using quelpa. This readme contains plug-and-play quelpa recipes for convenience.
Almost all the packages that are configurable have documented options organized into their groups. Check M-x customize-group RET PACKAGE_NAME for details.

n.b. Some of these packages either depend on or are heavily enhanced by things part of very new emacs versions only (namely vtable, found in unreleased emacs 29). You may have to pull some things from newer emacs source code and install them yourself if you are using an older emacs.


  • arbtt - view arbtt stats from emacs
  • arietta - simple interface for the aria2 daemon.
  • chika - transient interface for linux package management
  • cmus - very simple interface to control cmus from emacs
  • nnchan - gnus backend for 4chan
  • torrent-info - show info from torrent files



summaryview arbtt stats from emacs
quelpa(quelpa '(arbtt :fetcher github :repo "rayes0/elisp" :files ("arbtt.el")))

Simple way to view arbtt stats from emacs. Currently very primitive. Runs arbtt with csv output, and parses that into a table.


summarysimple interface for the aria2 daemon.
quelpa(quelpa '(arietta :fetcher github :repo "rayes0/elisp" :files ("arietta.el")))

(Nearly) fully featured interface for the aria2 daemon over websocket.

To use, you will need to start aria2 as a daemon with rpc enabled. Check the aria2 manpage for more details.


summarytransient interface for linux package management
quelpa(quelpa '(chika :fetcher github :repo "rayes0/elisp" :files ("chika.el")))

An simple interface for package management on linux from Emacs using https://github.com/magit/transient.

It will:

  • run a execute a package manager and insert output into a buffer.
  • ask for root when performing certain actions, using TRAMP when appropriate.
  • try not to abstract things too much, do things simply

Mainly written for:

  • quickly toggling flags and such without typing shell commands
  • emacs interface
  • no dependence on the current shell as it executes processes directly

Currently implemented package managers (in progress, not many command implemented yet): dnf, rpm, flatpak


summaryvery simple interface to control cmus from emacs
quelpa(quelpa '(cmus :fetcher github :repo "rayes0/elisp" :files ("cmus.el")))

Couple functions to run cmus from emacs with vterm, and do all the usual things a music player can do.


summarygnus backend for 4chan
quelpa(quelpa '(nnchan :fetcher github :repo "rayes0/elisp" :files ("nnchan.el")))

A Gnus backend for 4chan, using the read only JSON API.


summaryshow info from torrent files
quelpa(quelpa '(torrent-info :fetcher github :repo "rayes0/elisp" :files ("torrent-info.el")))

Collection of functions for working with torrent files. It currently doesn’t contain much