Welcome to the Coffee Shop Backend Web Project! This repository contains the back-end source code for the Online Coffee Shop web application. With Golang and Gin framework structure.
Built using
To run the project locally, follow these simple steps:
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/rayfarandi/fwg17-go-backend
cd fwg17-go-backend
- Open in VSCode
code .
- install all the dependencies
go mod tidy
- run the project
go run .
- Gin: This project leverages the efficiency and flexibility of Gin, a fast and lightweight web framework for Golang, to ensure the development of robust and scalable server-side applications.
- Golang: This project is built on Go, harnessing its efficient concurrency model and performance characteristics to ensure the development of scalable and high-performance server-side applications.
The project structure is organized as follows:
-src/: contains the source code of the project
- /controllers: containing functions responsible for managing data input and output
- /lib: containing reusable functions for specific tasks
- /middleware: containing functions executed in the order of request
- /models: containing queries to the database or business logic
- /router: contains endpoint paths
- /service: containing a response struct
-uploads: containing uploaded files
-main/ : main file in the application
Contributions are always welcome!
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at rayfarandi1994@gmail.com