
A highly opinionated boilerplate for developing Promio landing pages.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Promio Landing Page Boilerplate

A highly opinionated boilerplate for developing Promio landing pages.

Getting Started

NOTE: This boilerplate requires Node v4+ and npm.

  1. Run npm -g install gulp-cli to install the Gulp CLI globally.
  2. Download or clone this repo.
  3. Run npm install in the project directory.

You're all set and ready to go. See the How To Use section for information on Gulp commands and project directory structure.

How To Use

Since the purpose of this boilerplate is to speed landing page development, it is set up honoring convention over configuration. As long as files are placed in the correct folders, they will be processed correctly. See the table below for how each file/directory in the project works:

File/Directory Behavior
build/ All processed files will be created here by Gulp. Do not add files manually as this directory is cleaned out regularly.
css/ Any files placed in this folder will be copied into build/css/ during the build process.
fonts/ Any files placed in this folder will be copied into build/fonts/ during the build process.
images/ Any files placed in this folder will be copied into build/images/ during the build process. Additionally, any jpg, png, gif, and svg files will be losslessly minified.
js/scripts.js This file will be minified and copied into build/js/. No other javascript files should be included at this level of the js/ directory.
js/vendor/ Any *.js files placed in this folder will be concatenated and copied into build/js/ as vendor.js. This process does not include minification so any files placed in here should be production ready.
scss/styles.scss This file will be pre-processed, autoprefixer-ed, minified and copied into build/css/. During development, sourcemaps will also be created. Any sass includes or include directories should be adjacent this file.
.env.example Ignore. This file is only relevant to a user handling the deploy process.
gulpfile.js Where all the magic happens. Refer to the source for more information on available Gulp tasks.
index.html This file will be copied into build/. All HTML code for the landing page should be placed in this file. All pre-existing HTML can be replaced; it is merely a barebones example.

Additionally, you should only need to run the Gulp default task (gulp) when developing. This command:

  • Cleans out the build directory
  • Processes styles.scss with sourcemaps
  • Copies CSS files
  • Concats and copies vendor JS files
  • Copies scripts.js
  • Minifies and copies images
  • Copies index.html
  • Starts a Browsersync instance with multi-device support and live reload
  • Watches for changes in the project and processes accordingly

See gulpfile.js for additional inline documentation about available commands.

Allowed Input Names

When building a form, there are a fixed set of allowed input names (<input name="XXXXXX" />) for our system. These are included in the table below:

Name Value Snippet Explanation
inputFName <input name="inputFName" /> Customer's first name
inputLName <input name="inputLName" /> Customer's last name
inputEmail <input name="inputEmail" /> Customer's email address
inputPhone <input name="inputPhone" /> Customer's phone number
inputAddress <input name="inputAddress" /> Customer's first address line
inputAddress2 <input name="inputAddress2" /> Customer's second address line
inputAddress3 <input name="inputAddress3" /> Customer's third address line
inputCity <input name="inputCity" /> Customer's city
inputStProvince <input name="inputStProvince" /> Customer's state or province
inputZip <input name="inputZip" /> Customer's zip/postal code
inputCountry <input name="inputCountry" /> Customer's country
inputBirthdate <input name="inputBirthdate" /> Customer's birthday
inputGender <input name="inputGender" /> Customer's gender
inputCompanyName <input name="inputCompanyName" /> Customer's name of company/employer
inputMobilePhone <input name="inputMobilePhone" /> Customer's cell phone number
inputTitle <input name="inputTitle" /> Customer's business title
inputWorkPhone <input name="inputWorkPhone" /> Customer's work phone number
inputFax <input name="inputFax" /> Customer's personal fax number
inputWorkFax <input name="inputWorkFax" /> Customer's work fax number
inputComment <input name="inputComment" /> Customer's comments or description of need


  • More notifications
  • Better error handling (add gulp-plumber)
  • Build out index.html with inline comments
  • Convert sass task to handle multiple sass files
  • JS linting


This boilerplate is a work in progress. Feel free to add suggestions as issues or create pull requests. Any and all feedback is appreciated.