
Personal Slack Out of Office Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Personal Out of Office Bot for Slack

Build Status

This bot acts as you and will respond to DMs and Channel mentions with a message while you are away.


  • Start time: Set a start and the bot will wait until set time before listening and responding
  • End time: Set an end time and the bot will shut off on a set time
  • Respond to IM/Multi-Person IM when someone directly messages you
  • Respond to a channel where you are directly mentioned (@username)
  • Reminder buffer: Bot will not respond to user/channel until a given time has elapsed (to prevent spamming)
  • Auto Mark: Bot can mark all your messages as read

Personal Slack Token

You can generate your personal Slack Token here: https://api.slack.com/web


  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. Copy ./config.default.js to ./config.js and fill it out
  4. npm start


  1. npm install (make sure your NODE_ENV != production)
  2. npm test


Build an image using docker build -t your_image:tag

Official Image shaunburdick/slack-ooo-personal

Configuration Environment Variables

You can set the configuration of the bot by using environment variables. ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE=Default Value

  • APP_MESSAGE='', Your OoO Message
  • APP_REMINDER=480, Time to wait before responding to person/channel again (in minutes)
  • APP_RESPOND_DM=true, If true, will respond to Direct messages
  • APP_RESPOND_CHANNEL=false, If true, will respond on Channel mentions
  • APP_TIMEBOX_START=0, Time to start responding (Timestamp in milliseconds, or parsable date)
  • APP_TIMEBOX_END=0, Time to stop responding (Timestamp in milliseconds, or parsable date)
  • SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-foo, Your Slack Token
  • SLACK_AUTO_RECONNECT=true, Reconnect on disconnect
  • SLACK_AUTO_MARK=false, Mark messages as read

Set them using the -e flag while running docker:

docker run -it \
-e SLACK_TOKEN=xobp-blarty-blar-blar \
-e APP_MESSAGE='I am out of the office' \
-e APP_TIMEBOX_START='2015-12-24 17:00:00' \
-e APP_TIMEBOX_END='2015-12-26 08:00:00' \


  1. Create a new branch, please don't work in master directly.
  2. Add failing tests for the change you want to make (if appliciable). Run npm test to see the tests fail.
  3. Fix stuff.
  4. Run npm test to see if the tests pass. Repeat steps 2-4 until done.
  5. Check code coverage npm run coverage and add test paths as needed.
  6. Update the documentation to reflect any changes.
  7. Push to your fork and submit a pull request.