
A threat intelligence platform that is tailored to meet the specific needs of different roles in the cybersecurity field.


Download the code as a zip file from GitHub and extract the ThreatLinkIntelligence folder.


To run the application:

  1. Open the extracted ThreatLinkIntelligence folder
  2. Run the “main.exe” program (not the main python file) to start the application
  3. To exit the application, simply close the open application windows


  • Select the different user profiles to view the relevant cyber threat intelligence for each user
  • Selecting a user profile will open a new window with 3 tabs of information - CTI data, APT data and STIX data
  • CTI data: information about specific attacks
  • APT data: information about specific threat actors
  • STIX data: information about specific cyber incidents

Software Requirements

  • Run on a Windows operating system
  • May require the installation of Python to run the application
