
Demo of KrakenD's API gateway functionality using Grand Oak & Pine Valley Hospital Mock API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo of KrakenD's API gateway functionality using Grand Oak & Pine Valley Hospital Mock API


How to start the services

Run this command: docker-compose up

Or if you want to run the services individually, follow these steps:

Starting the mock backend

To run the mock backend, simply use this command: java -jar ./mock-backend/DoctorInfo-JDK11.jar

Starting the PineValley adapter service

To run the adapter service, do these sequence of commands:

  1. cd pinevalley-adapter
  2. npm i
  3. node index.js

This adapter is needed because you need KrakenD enterprise to actually send POST request with bodies, sigh.

Starting the API gateway

To run the API gateway, do these sequence of commands:

  1. docker pull devopsfaith/krakend
  2. docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "${PWD}:/etc/krakend/" devopsfaith/krakend

How to query the services

Querying the mock backend

These are the valid values for doctor type:

  1. Ophthalmologist
  2. Physician
  3. Pediatrician

Grand Oak

GET http://localhost:9091/grandOak/doctors/<doctorType>

Here is the response:

    "doctors": {
        "doctor": [
                "name": "Bob Watson",
                "time": "05:30 PM",
                "hospital": "Grand Oak"
                "name": "Paul Johnson",
                "time": "07:30 AM",
                "hospital": "Grand Oak"

Pine Valley

POST http://localhost:9090/pineValley/doctors, send with this body:

  "doctorType": "<doctorType>"

Here is the response:

    "doctors": {
        "doctor": [
                "name": "Bob Watson",
                "time": "07:30 AM",
                "hospital": "pineValley"
                "name": "Wilson Mcdonald",
                "time": "07:30 AM",
                "hospital": "pineValley"

Querying the adapter for Pine Valley

GET http://localhost:9092/pineValley/doctors/<doctorType>

Here is the response:

    "doctors": {
        "doctor": [
                "name": "Bob Watson",
                "time": "07:30 AM",
                "hospital": "pineValley"
                "name": "Wilson Mcdonald",
                "time": "07:30 AM",
                "hospital": "pineValley"

Querying the API Gateway

GET http://localhost:8080/doctors/<doctorType>

Here is the response:

    "doctors": {
        "doctor": [
                "hospital": "Grand Oak",
                "name": "John Mathew",
                "time": "03:30 PM"
                "hospital": "Grand Oak",
                "name": "Allan Silvester",
                "time": "04:30 PM"
                "hospital": "pineValley",
                "name": "John Mathew",
                "time": "07:30 AM"
                "hospital": "pineValley",
                "name": "Roma Katherine",
                "time": "04:30 PM"