
Problem Solving Training for computer science students.

Problem Solving Training

Problem Solving Training for computer science students.

Table of Contents

This level simply consists of 12 sheets, 2 sheets on HackerRank Online Judge, 4 sheets on Codeforces Online Judge, 4 sheets on HackerEarth Online Judge, 2 sheets on AtCoder Online Judge.

The prerequisites for level 1 of this training are the basic knowledge for any programming language like (Variable Types - Basic Operators - Conditions - Loops - Functions - Lists/Arrays - Strings).

The HackerRank OJ sheets: [cpp], [python], each sheet of them divided into (Introduction - Conditionals and Loops - Arrays and Strings - Functions Standard Libraries - Classes and Inheritance). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~80 problems.

The Codeforces OJ sheets: [phase-1-1], [phase-1-2], [phase-1-3], [phase-1-4], each sheet of them contains A Div2 problems and divided into (Basic Operators - Conditions - Loops - Lists/Arrays - Strings). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~125 problems.

The AtCoder OJ sheets: [phase-1-1], [phase-1-2], These sheets contain beginner contests (easy contests) and each sheet contains ~180 problems.

The HackerEarth OJ sheets: [phase-1-1], [phase-1-2], [phase-1-3], [phase-1-4], each sheet of them divided into (Input/Output - Bit Manipulation - Recursion - Operators). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~100 problems.


  • On each one of these sheets has an excel sheet to record your effort and enhance your progress, The time estimate for level problems is between 30 min to 45 min for each problem, including reading time, thinking time, coding time, debugging time, and learning time, and you can say that the sheet is done if you solved at least 30% of the sheet problems, finally you can say that the level is done if you solved at least 6 sheets.

This level simply consists of 20 sheets, 2 sheets on HackerRank Online Judge, 6 sheets on Codeforces Online Judge, 6 sheets on LeetCode Online Judge, 2 sheets on AtCoder Online Judge, 4 sheets on HackerEarth Online Judge.

The prerequisites for level 2 of this training are the basic knowledge for Data Structures and Algorithms like (Linear Data Structures - Non-Linear Data Structures - Searching Algorithms - Sorting Algorithms - Divide and Conquer).

The HackerRank OJ sheets: [data-structures], [algorithms-basics], each sheet of them contains linear and non linear data structures problems, and basic algorithms problems. These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~120 problems.

The AtCoder OJ sheets: [phase-2-1], [phase-2-2], These sheets contain regular contests (medium contests) and each sheet contains ~60 problems.

The Codeforces OJ sheets: [phase-2-1], [phase-2-2], [phase-2-3], [phase-2-4], each sheet of them contains B-Div2 problems and divided into (Data Structure - Mathematics - String - Greedy - Brute Force). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~120 problems. [div3-div4-contests] that focus on div3 + div4 contests (easy contests) and contains ~85 contests, and [educational-contests], that focus on educational-contests (medium contests) and contains ~125 contests.

For the last 2 optional sheets: [gym-contests-1], [gym-contests-2] that focus on gym-contests that contains ~120 contests.

The LeetCode OJ sheets: [linear-data-structures-1], [linear-data-structures-2], [non-linear-data-structures-1], [non-linear-data-structures-2], [basic-algorithms-1], [basic-algorithms-2], each sheet of them divided into (Array - LinkedList - Stack - Queue - Binary Tree - Heap Tree - HashTable) plus (Binary Search - Sorting - Divide and Conquer - Greedy - Bit Manipulation). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~190 problems.

The HackerEarth OJ sheets: [linear-data-structures], [non-linear-data-structures], [algorithms-searching], [algorithms-sorting], each sheet of them contains linear and non-linear data structures problems, plus searching and sorting algorithms. These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~100 problems.


  • On each one of these sheets has an excel sheet to record your effort and enhance your progress, The time estimate for level problems is between 30 min to 45 min for each problem, including reading time, thinking time, coding time, debugging time, and learning time, and you can say that the sheet is done if you solved at least 30% of the sheet problems, finally you can say that the level is done if you solved at least 6 sheets.

This level simply consists of 26 sheets, 4 sheets on HackerRank Online Judge, 6 sheets on Codeforces Online Judge, 2 sheets on AtCoder Online Judge, 6 sheets on LeetCode Online Judge, and the last 8 sheets on HackerEarth Online Judge.

The prerequisites for level 3 of this training are the advanced knowledge for Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis like (Disjoint Sets - Trie - Segment Tree - Binary Indexed Tree - Divide and Conquer - Graph Algorithms - Greedy Algorithms - Dynamic Programming - Mathematical Algorithms).

The HackerRank OJ sheets: [mathematics-1], [mathematics-2], [graph-string], [dynamic-programming], each sheet of them divided into (string, number theory, algebra, graph, greedy, mathematics, bit manipulation, and dynamic programming). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~130 problems.

The AtCoder OJ sheets: [phase-3-1], [phase-3-2], These sheets contain grand contests (hard contests) and each sheet contains ~60 problems.

The Codeforces OJ sheets: [phase-3-1], [phase-3-2], [phase-3-3], [phase-3-4], each sheet of them contains C-Div2/A-Div1 problems and divided into (Divide and Conquer - Graph - Data Structure - Math and Number Theory - String - Greedy and Brute Force - Dynamic Programming). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~120 problems. [div3-div4-contests] that focus on div3 + div4 contests (easy contests) and contains ~85 contests, and [educational-contests], that focus on educational-contests (medium contests) and contains ~125 contests.

For the last 4 optional sheets: [gym-contests-1], [gym-contests-2], [gym-contests-3], [gym-contests-4] that focus on gym-contests that contains ~125 contests.

The LeetCode OJ sheets: [tree-graph-traversal], [graph-advanced-data-structures], [mathematics-strings], [dynamic-programming], [interviews-questions], [liked-questions], These sheets contain string, graph, bfs, dfs, mathematics, backtracking, and dynamic programming problems, in addition to advanced data structures. These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~190 problems.

The HackerEarth OJ sheets: [mathematics-strings-1], [mathematics-strings-2], [graph-1], [graph-2], [dynamic-programming-1], [dynamic-programming-2], [advanced-data-structures-1], [advanced-data-structures-2], each sheet of them divided into (string, graph, greedy, mathematics, number theory, dynamic programming, advanced data structures). These sheets were ordered based on the problem difficulty and grouped by the problem topic. Finally, each sheet contains ~120 problems.


  • On each one of these sheets has an excel sheet to record your effort and enhance your progress, The time estimate for level problems is between 30 min to 45 min for each problem, including reading time, thinking time, coding time, debugging time, and learning time, and you can say that the sheet is done if you solved at least 30% of the sheet problems, finally you can say that the level is done if you solved at least 6 sheets.

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Prerequisite Knowledge

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  • On each one of these sheets has an excel sheet to record your effort and enhance your progress, The time estimate for level problems is between 30 min to 45 min for each problem, including reading time, thinking time, coding time, debugging time, and learning time, and you can say that the sheet is done if you solved at least 30% of the sheet problems, finally you can say that the level is done if you solved at least 6 sheets.