
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


My first ESP32 project

What does it do?

Starts a timer and starts logging espresso weight coming out as soon as I turn the brew switch/paddle on my Linea Mini espresso machine. Shows the shot time and espresso weight on an oled display and logs it to google sheets as well.

What's coming next?

  1. Add a water level sensor and show the level on the display
  2. connect it to the temperature dial to show and log the temperature as well

Getting started

  1. connect ESP32 to your computer and find the port it is on:

ls /dev/cu.*

  1. flash it with a micropython firmware using esptool.py

pip install esptool

esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-idf3-20210202-v1.14.bin

  1. Ready to go
    • copy boot.py, main.py, and all the other files to the board (or use the shell script copy_files_to_esp32.sh)
    • install any micropython modules with upip



esp32 board


Notes and Helpful Links