
This project is based on Eclipse JDT and ANTLR 4 to annotate java source files. It will store abstract syntax tree structures and token information of files in a Java project. Most of the time you only need to query information stored in entity_all view.


  • To build from source, you need to install Maven 3. Type mvn clean package in source root path then you could find jdt.annotator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in target/.
  • You may also download jdt.annotator.jar directly (may not be the latest version).


usage: jdt.annotator --src <path> [options]
= a source code annotator =
 -d,--dbname <arg>     database name to connect to (default: "entity")
 -H,--host <arg>       database server host ip (default: "localhost")
 -l,--lib <arg>        absolute root path of libraries (.jar)
 -P,--port <arg>       database server port (default: "5432")
 -p,--project <arg>    project name (default: folder name containing
                       source code)
 -r,--reset            reset all annotated astnode information in database
 -s,--src <arg>        absolute root path of source code files
 -U,--username <arg>   (optional) username, must specify password as well
 -W,--password <arg>   (optional) password, must specify username as well
  • You need a running PostgreSQL database. By default it will connect to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/entity
  • You could annotate multiple projects storing to the same database. Each entity is uniquely identify by (entity_id, project_id)
  • If you omit -p option, program will use folder name containing source code as default project name.
  • If the project you want to annotate use ant or maven to compile, it may specify dependencies in build.xml or pom.xml. If you want to annotate type, method or other information from those library, you need to download those dependencies first and specify the library folder in -l option.
    • Maven: type mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=/your/library/folder in project root folder. Then maven will download dependencies .jars to that folder.
    • Ant: You need to write a configuration file to download dependencies, you may refer to this, this or this.


  • View entity_all combines table project, file, entity, nodetype and cross_ref. Meaning of columns in each table with the same name are the same.
  • Table method store information about all methods in this source code.
  • Table cross_ref_key store type descriptor for each Name ASTNode.
Table Column Description
entity_all entity_id Primary key is (entity_id, project_id). entity_id is unique for a given project_id. It DOESN'T mean the order of appearance in source code
start_pos starting position of this node in file
length length of this node
end_pos ending position of this node in file (exclusive). If you store source code in a string, then code.substring(start_pos, end_pos) will give you source code snippet of this entity.
start_line_number this entity starts at (line number, column number) in file, both start from 1 to conform with vim
end_line_number this enetity ends at (line number, column number) in file.
nodetype_id For ASTNode, nodetype_id < 100. For Token, nodetype_id >= 100. Identifier, null/boolean/string/character literals are ASTNodes instead of tokens.
nodetype name of the type of this node
file_name absolute file name
project_name given project name
project_path given source code folder, (project_name, project_path) uniquely specify a "project"
string formatted code snippet of this node. This is generated from ASTNode, the string may not be the same with your source code.
raw code snippet of this node
parent_id parent entity's entity_id (with the same project_id), parent_id of root node is -1.
declared_id if this node is declared in another place in this project, this id could find out that node. if it's declared in another library, it won't show up.
cross_ref_key cross_ref_key Only Name type ASTNode has value.
method entity_id
full_signature full type descriptor for this method
is_declare boolean value to indicate if this is a method declaration or not

Quick Guide of Type descriptor

I use a string to encode a type. Here is the table:

type descriptor type description
B byte
C char
D double
F float
I int
J long
L ClassName ; Class java.lang.String -> Ljava/lang/String;
Map <String, Integer> -> Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;>;
S short
Z boolean
[ reference int [][] -> [[I, open bracket only. ... equals to [
V void

The rule for a method descriptor is Class . method name ( method arguments (no comma) ) return type exceptions (each starting with |).

Therefore the descriptor for main method defined in package demo.example throwing IOException and SQLException is Ldemo/example/Main;.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V|Ljava/io/IOException;|Ljava/sql/SQLException;.

Check JVM type descriptor for official documentation.

How it works

  • Use JDT to generate ASTs for all files and cross reference for all Name nodes.
  • For each .java
    • Use batch operation to insert all AST nodes information at once. If current file is not compilable, it will skip to the next .java file without storing anything to database.
    • Use ANTLR to collect all tokens, for each token, find the tightest AST node containing that token and save that AST node as the parent of current token.
    • Take all cross reference keys generated in first step, figure out where is each Name node declared.

For documentation of each ASTNode, refer jdt.core.dom.

Trouble shooting

  • outOfMemoryException: Allocating more memory for JVM by java -Xmx2048m -jar …
  • If you encounter build failure while download dependencies by maven, probabily your maven doesn't support that version of dependency plugin. Try to upgrade maven or use older version of dependency plugin.
  • create database in postgresql: $> createdb database_name in shell or CREATE DATABASE database_name in SQL.