El Trilero ("shell-game" artist, or "Thimble-rig") is a typical Scam in las Ramblas de Barcelona for every tourist to enjoy... but sadly not anymore.
The changes in social environments due to COVID-19 issues, have put a end to this traditional practice of subsidiary cosmic justice. It is in the interest of tourists as well as of scam-artists not to risk their Health.
This application is intended to give visitors a grasp of the experience of being ripped off by a 'trilero'.
First of all, this is a watered-down version of this experience.
An important part of the thrill is being surrounded by menacing men playing their role, and the effort of the artists is to build up momentum on your nerves. And this, as the reader can most definetly understand, is not so easy to replicate on a web page app.
E.g. Think an all those buttons who scream: "CLICK ME!!" all over the Internet, and you will see the Web is no stranger to this Philosophy