

Primary LanguagePython


A Django web app that has one text input field, and a "go" button. The field accepts a URL of a web page (for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_(web_framework)).

After you click the "go" button, the app crawls all the URLs in the given webpage and displays to the customer a complete list of all the URLs the crawler found, including nested links.

How to run

Quickstart: Run locally via Docker

The fastest way to run the app is to run it in using Docker-compose. This should be enough for quickstart:

git clone https://github.com/rayman1104/web-crawler
cd web-crawler

If you want just to run all the things locally, you can use Docker-compose which will start all containers for you. This approach is similar to Production deployment using Dokku but not recommended for production.

Create .env file

Specify important environment variables in .env which should be located in root directory of repo (make sure to fork our repo and don't publish your tokens to public).



To run all services (Django, Redis, Celery) at once:

docker-compose up --build


Deploy to production is done via Dokku. Dokku is an open-source version of Heroku.