A really simple http server library implemented in scala with no dependencies
Add the following lines to your build.sbt
resolvers += "Tim Tennant's repo" at "http://dl.bintray.com/timt/repo/"
libraryDenpendencies += "io.shaka" %% "naive-http-server" % "28"
Starting a server
import io.shaka.http.HttpServer
import io.shaka.http.Response.respond
val httpServer = HttpServer(request => respond("Hello World!")).start()
val httpServer = HttpServer(8080).handler(request => respond("Hello World!")).start()
Handling requests
import io.shaka.http.RequestMatching._
case GET("/hello") => respond("Hello world")
case GET(echoUrl) => respond(echoUrl)
case request@POST("/some/restful/thing") => respond(...)
case GET(_) && Accept(APPLICATION_JSON) => respond("""{"hello":"world"}""").contentType(APPLICATION_JSON)
case GET(url"/tickets/$ticketId?messageContains=$messageContains") => respond(s"Ticket $ticketId, messageContains $messageContains").contentType(TEXT_PLAIN)
case _ => respond("doh!").status(NOT_FOUND)
Serving static content
import io.shaka.http.StaticResponse.static
case GET(path) => static("/home/timt/docRoot", path)
case GET(path) => static(classpathDocRoot("web"), path)
Stopping the server
For more examples see
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