An Introduction To EML

  • EML is a functional language that compiles to Javascrtip
  • Compete with projects like React
  • Elm has strong emphasis on simplicity, ease of use and quality tooling

Set Up And Running

  • Require ELM 0.17
  • elm-reactor to run in the browser
  • elm-package install to install ELM packages

Why a functional language?

  • No runtime errors - no null, undefined
  • Friendly error messages
  • Well-architected code
  • Automatically enforced semantic versioning for all ELM packages

Core Language

  • elm-repl to start REPL


> "hello"
> "hello" ++ "world"
  • (++) operator to put strings together
> 2 + 3 * 4

> (2 + 3) * 4

> 9 / 2

> 9 // 2
  • (/) for floating point division
  • (//) for integer division


> isNegative n = n < 0

> isNegative 4

> isNegative -7

> isNegative (-3 * -4)
  • Use spacess to apply the function

If Expressions

> if True then "hello" else "world"

> if False then "hello" else "world"
  • Do not need any parentheses or curly braces
  • Elm doesn't have a notion of truthiness
    • numbers, strings and list cannot be used as boolean values
> over9000 powerLevel = \
|   if powerLevel > 9000 then "It's over 9000" else "meh"

> over9000 42
  • Using backlash \ to split things on to multiple lines in REPL
  • Best practice to bring the body of a function down a line


  • names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Chuck"]
  • List.isEmpty names returns False
  • List.length names returns 3
  • List.reverse names returns ["Chuck", "Bob", "Alice"]
  • List.sort
numbers = [1, 4, 3, 2]
double n = n * 2 double numbers


  • Can hold a fixed number of values
  • Each value can have any type
  • Common usage: when need to return more than one values
import String

goodName name =
  if String.length name <= 20 then
    (True, "name accepted")
    (False, "name was too long; please limit to 20 characters"


point = { x = 3, y = 4 }

bill = {name = "Gates", age = 57 }
  • A record is a set of key-value paris - similar to objects in JavaScript
  • Create using curly braces {...} syntax
  • By starting the variable with a dot, it means please access the field with the following name
    • .name is a function that gets the name field of the record
    • .name bill works too; same as
under70 {age} = age < 70

under70 bill
  • Can do some pattern matching to make thing lighter

Updating Record

  • bill = { bill | name = "Nye"}
  • No destructive updates - create a new record rather than overwriting the existing one
  • Elm makes this efficient by sharing much content as possible

Comparing Records and Objects

  • Similar to objects in Javascript but some crucial differences
  • You cannot ask for a field that doesn't exist
  • No field will ever by undefined or null
  • You cannot create recursive records with a thisor self keyword

Elm encourages a strict separations of data and logic and the ability to say thisis primarily used to break this separation. It is a systemic problem in Object Oriented Languages that Elm is purposely avoiding

Records supports structual typing, it means Elm's records can be used in any situations as long as the necessary field exists - providing flexibility without compromising reliability

The Elm Architecture

  • Simple pattern for nestable components
    • modularity
    • code reuse
    • testing
  • Redux translate the Elm arthitecture into JavaScript directly

The Basic Pattern

import Html exposing(..)

type alias Model = { ... }

type Msg = Reset | ...

update: Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Reset -> ...
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  • Model the state of your application
  • Update a way to update your state
  • View a way to view your state as HTMl

The Elm Architecture + User Input

  • Buttons
  • Text Fields
  • Check Boxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • etc..


Text Fields

  • onInput function takes one argument
    • in the example case, Change function which was created when Msg was declared


The Elm Arthitecture + Effects


  • A command i a way of demanding some effect
    • ie. Asking for random numbers
    • Making an Http Request
    • Anything where you are asking for some value and the answer may be different depending on what is going on


  • A subscription lets you register that you are interested in something.
    • ie. Geolocation changes
    • Messages coming in on a web socket
  • Subscriptions let you sit passively and only get updates when they exist

Commands and Subscriptions make it possible for Elm components to talk to the outside world.

Extending the Architecture Skeleton

type alias Model =
  { ...

type Msg = Submit | ...

update: Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =

view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =

subscriptions: Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =

init: (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  • update noew returns more than just a new model
    • returns a nwe model and some commands you want to run
    • the commands are going to produce Msg values that will get fed right back into update function
  • subscriptions let you declare any event sources you declare any event sources you need to subscribe to given the current model. Just like Html Msg and Cmd Msg, these subscriptions will produce Msg values that get fed right into our update function
  • init now produces both a model and some commands like like the new update.This lets us provide a starting value and kick off any HTTP requests or whatever that need for initialization.

Aside: commands and subscriptions are data. When you create a command, you do not actually do it. Same with commands.

You hand commands and subscriptions to Elm to actually run them, giving elm a chance to log all of this information. In the end, effects-as-data means Elm can

  • Hava general purpose time-travel debugger
  • Keep the same input, same output guarantee for all Elm functions.
  • Avoid setup/teardown phases when testing update logic.
  • Cache and batch effects, minimizing HTTP connections or other resources

All the nice gurantees and tools in Elm come from the choice to treat effects as data

Random Number

  • Cmd.none means I have no commands, do nothing


  • Http.get to GET some json from url
  • ["data", "image_url"] Json.string reads as
    • Try to get the value at and should be a sring
  • Task.perform is to clarifying what to do with the result
    • First argument FetchFail is when the GET fails
    • Second argument is FetchSuccess for the GET success