
Simple web, custom web interface to our sample tracking files

Primary LanguageRuby


Features to add:

  1. Curl submission API ?

    1. Get all samples from project
    2. get all sample aliase & sample from search query
  2. Advanced Query capabilities

    1. Nested Filter - Dynamically (multiple select vs <=>)
    ~~2. Aggragation counting~~
  3. Export to excel (project sample list, query result, dynamic & static phenotype)

  4. Build single sample edit page show/hide project edit, multi-select. likely make a partial for each dependancy. toggle section add/edit capability - return to reading upon save.

  5. ~~Upload & update from Carriers AccessDB. No Longer Applys.~~

  6. Add a script to read run_info & sample_info to update NGS fields for samples already in db, limit by project to avoid Cross-id issues.

  7. Add sort to samples listing tables, add drop down column filter picker.

  8. Create Transaction table, to track in app changes, tied to specfic save capabilities.

    Add change tracking to GUI interfaces [study_groups, ]
  9. Make save on study group page, all loop save, not just individual records.

9 Add link from sample page - to add new validation. 10 Add .ico

Things to Fix:

  1. redcap new not uploading Ovarian PDX correctly.

Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.

How to reset db and app.

rake db:drop:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:reset

## ALTER TABLE file_locations MODIFY location TEXT;

After Database Seed, runner scripts to build database from RedCap

## 1st new redcap
rails runner lib/tasks/upload_newRedCap.rb -d <CouchRedcap.csv>
## 2nd old redcap
 rails runner lib/tasks/upload_OLD_redcap.rb

Additional SQL Helper

ALTER TABLE file_locations MODIFY location TEXT;