
my robots for training for FTC, in Java

Primary LanguageJava

What's This For?

Programming for FTC requires a working knowledge of Java. To help us practice we write programs within the RoboCode.

Recent Runs:

Rank RobotName TotalScore BulletDmg 1sts 2nds
1st sample.Walls 3122 (52%) 1133 3 10
2nd sample.SpinBot 1965 (33%) 878 0 0
3rd sample.Crazy 855 (14%) 315 0 0
4th raymondBots.Gort* 65 (1%) 60 0 0

Worse than previous Record: 4% Total Score : June 13th

Worse than previous Record: 14% Total Score : June 2nd

Getting Started

As we know, setup can be tricky...but guess what...there is a video to help you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyVH8_C1QbQ

We're all going to use the same version: GOTO: https://sourceforge.net/projects/robocode/files/robocode/ Download: robocode-

It's pretty well documented: http://robowiki.net/wiki/Robocode_Download_And_Install But if you have questions, or need additional explanation, please don't hesitate to ask me, or your teammates.

I would suggest just copy, paste this example code for your first bot, to just see how the game works and how to run bots in the ring. http://robowiki.net/wiki/Robocode/My_First_Robot