
Convert your Fight Club 5e characters to Anki Decks for studying

Primary LanguagePython


Roll a character pretty quick? Fight Club 5e is great. Remember what the heck the character does/is? Maybe you need some study help. This builds a quick Anki deck for reviewing your feats/items/notes.

How do I use this?

Export characters individually as .xml files from the application and drop them in the characters/ folder.

Run pipenv install and script/convert to convert them into apkgs.

Use Anki to import that file into your client.

What is Fightclub 5e

Fight Club 5e is pretty neat! Create characters quick and manage them in games!

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lionsden.fc5&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1 Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fight-club-5th-edition/id1484084460?mt=12 Repository generator: https://github.com/kinkofer/FightClub5eXML

What is Anki

It's also pretty neat! Study things

Client: https://apps.ankiweb.net/ Web: https://ankiweb.net/about