
My dotfiles themed via pywal.

Primary LanguageShell

Raymond's Dotfiles

My dotfiles managed with GNU Stow.

Floating Windows Ranger and Zathura


Warning: If you decide to give my dotfiles a try, you should first review the configurations/code and remove the things you do not want or need. Don't use my settings if you're not sure what they entail!



In your ~/.zprofile:

export NEOFETCH_IMAGE_DIR="~/path/to/neofetch_images"
export WALLPAPER_DIR="~/path/to/wallpapers"

NOTE: My wallpapers and images are not included with this repository.


The quickest way to place each dotfile in the right directory is to clone this repository into your home directory, change directories into the folder and run:

stow *

However you can individually stow each folder if you don't want to use all my preferred applications/configurations.

stow zsh
stow vim
stow bspwm
stow sxhkd

End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo

Additional Steps

Load Fonts

  • Manually build your local fonts in order to prevent dropped characters in polybar.
fc-cache -vf

You may need additional fonts such as powerline-fonts or meslo-nerd-fonts in order to properly load my powerlevel-10k theme and vim status bar.


In order to get pywal to color dunst, zathura and discord, you need additional symlinks from pywal's cache.

mkdir -p ~/.config/beautiful-discord
ln -s ~/.cache/wal/dunstrc ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc
ln -s ~/.cache/wal/zathurarc ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc
ln -s ~/.cache/wal/discord_pywal.css ~/.config/beautiful-discord/discord_pywal.css
ln -s ~/.cache/wal/colors.Xresources ~/.Xresources

Use beautifuldiscord to change Discord's colors.

beautifuldiscord --css ~/.config/beautiful-discord/discord_pywal.css


I use vim-plug to load my plugins. Open ~/.vimrc and vim-plug should auto-install.

Just :PlugInstall and you're good to go!

NOTE: I alias'd nvim to be vim because of muscle memory.

Navigation, Tips and Shortcuts

  • Run generate_all_pywal_cache.sh to generate json caches of all your wallpaper colorschemes for faster loading in the future. It should be included in your path if you're following my config. If not its in ~/bin.
  • Press super + F2 to view a list of keyboard maps to navigate and manipulate windows, take screenshots, create gifs, open applications, etc.
  • ctrl + super + n to quickly change wallpapers and colorschemes.
  • Left click the wifi module in Polybar to open network manager dmenu in rofi.
  • Left click the bluetooth (headphones) module in Polybar to connect devices.
  • Right click the bluetooth module to turn on bluetooth.
