
The Tools translate Material Network Nodes to MaterialX file and assign and edit MaterialX file into scene with Arnold Operator.

Primary LanguagePython


The Tools translate Material Network Nodes to MaterialX file and assign and edit MaterialX file into scene with Arnold Operator. show image

Overview and Purpose

This repository contents the tools to create and edit MaterialX file for Arnold Renderer.

We generate Katana ArnoldShadingNode Networks to MaterialX mtlx file, assign mtlx file to models via Arnold Operators MaterialX node .

We could create whole material networks from MaterialX file and edit.

Current Support

Katana + Arnold KtoA + MaterialX

How to Install

You should compile MaterialX 1.36.0 or later;

Make sure you have suitable version of Arnold KtoA that support MaterialX;

Set those environment into you Katana launcher:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/materialx-v1.36.1/python
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/KTMaterialXTools/python
export KATANA_RESOURCES=$KATANA_RESOURCES:/path/to/KTMaterialXTools/katana

Open Katana and create node MaterialXBake MaterialXAssign MaterialXEdit!

Simple Example

example networks

Katana Example : example.zip