
A text simplification system using Semantic and Neural Methods

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Description

This is an industry implementation for Our paper A Customizable Editor for Text Simplification, which has been accepted for publication at COLING 2016 on Computational Linguistics, Osaka,Japan.

About Linguistics
  • phonetics: the sounds of your language
  • phonology: the distribution of speech sounds
  • morphology: about word formation
  • syntax: how words combine to form phrases and sentences
  • semantics: the meaning of sentences
  • pragmatics: use context in order to interpret an utterance's meaning
About Language
  • Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
    Chunking -> labels phrases or segments with tags
    Named-entity recognition (NER) -> labels recognised entities
    Semantic-role labeling (SRL)

  • hand-engineered features -> assign label to words

  • Parsing means associating tree structures to a sentence, given a grammar.
    S -> NP VP NP -> DT N | NP PP
    PP -> PRP NP
    VP -> V NP | VP PP

  • During WordNet development synsets are organized into forty-five lexicographer files based on syntactic category and logical groupings.
Deep learning
About Flask and Python
  • Use virtual Environments

  • Structure is the key

    • module
