- "Transfer" to a scammer's bank account
- "Transfer" to a zelle email
- Get ALL the information sent to you via a discord webhook
This module allows you to 'send' money to a scammer's bank account or zelle email.
How is this even possible with DSJAS? The money would be sent to a 'ghost' account, account 999,999 to be exact, which doesn't exist, but the money is still deducted from your balance anyway and the transfer's a success.
What's one of the best parts of this module? Discord Webhooks, so you can log all of the scammer's data (Bank Account Name, Address, Bank Account Number, Account Type, Zelle Name, Zelle Email, Amount Transferred and the Memo. In order to use them, you need to type in the following code in your console in your Virtual Machine:
localStorage.setItem('DiscordWebhook', 'YOUR URL')
It should be self-explanatory of what you would replace YOUR URL with (make sure to keep in in the quotation marks).
If you don't want to use webhooks, type in the following instead:
localStorage.setItem('DiscordWebhook', undefined)
Fun fact, if you type in
localStorage.setItem('DiscordWebhook', '')
you get an error when transferring, I don't know why, but that's how it is. There's also a confirmation before transferring, this is just so the discord webhook message can have the opportunity to be sent.
Happy scambating!
Screenshots of the module:
Discord webhook messages:
(The default webhook's name would be whatever you put it as when you created your webhook, in my case I put Bhenchod Catcher)