
Whitebox Code Challenge for Manipulating Data

Whitebox Code Challenge

Write a NodeJS Script that reads data from a SQL Database of your choice, filters that data to only include the data for one specific client, and converts that data into a multi-tabbed Excel spreadsheet (sample-output.xlsx).

  • The data.sql.gz files in this repository contains the SQL data to use.

  • You will need to install a SQL Database of SQL Database docker container.

  • You will need to import/run the data.sql.gz contents to populate the SQL into your database.

  • You will need to write a NodeJS script to

    • Access the database,
    • Read its contents,
    • Filter it,
    • and Produce the the final results.
  • There is more than one client's data in this SQL file.

  • You should only include data from one client, the client with ID = 1240.

  • You are allowed to use libraries for this challenge.

  • The final output should match the structure of the sample-output.xlsx file. (Please note that the actual content of the sample-output.xlsx may not match the data given in the data.sql.gz file.)

  • Please do not spend more than 2 hours on this work. If you exceed 2 hours, just stop and submit what you have and tell us about what you were planning to do given more time.

Submitting the code challenge

Please create a GitHub Repo with your final result. I should be able to run your script and produce the required output.

Helpful Hints