
Periodic task control utility for Movable Type

Task Master for Movable Type

Task Master is a tool script for Movable Type that gives you power over periodic tasks.


tools/task-master <command> [arguments...]

Runs the task master command with the given arguments


  • status <task key> [<task key> ...]

    Output the last time a given task or tasks was run.

  • run <task key> [<task key> ...]

    Run the given task or tasks, if they were not run within their period recently.

  • forcerun <task key> [<task key> ...]

    Run the given task or tasks, regardless of their most recent run time.

  • list

    List the known periodic tasks, their frequencies and owning components.


Task Master for Movable Type was written by David Raynes <rayners@gmail.com>


Artistic 2.0