
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Step Packages

Step packages are how steps and deployment targets are developed for Octopus Deploy.

Step packages are:

  • Nodejs based.
  • Developed and tested outside the main Octopus Server code base.
  • Packaged as simple zip files.
  • Published on their own independent timelines (not quite implemented yet).
  • Independently versioned, with each version able to be run side-by-side with existing versions.

This sample template provides a starting point for anyone looking to create a new step package. The code in this repository defines a Hello World target and step demonstrating a minimal step package implementation.

Building this template will result in two step packages being produced:

  • hello-world-target.x.y.z.zip
  • hello-world-upload.x.y.z.zip

Any step packages built from this template will be compatible with Octopus Server v2021.3 and newer.

Note: You don't have to use the template, but if you don't you will need to set everything up manually, and currently we have no guide on how to do this.

To learn more about step packages, consult the step package documentation.

How to use this template

  1. Click the "Use this template" button above to create a new GitHub repository using this template.
  2. Clone the repository to your machine.
  3. Use the steps listed in the Building the step package section below to build and deploy the step package locally.
  4. Follow the instructions in the Releasing the step package section below to build and release the step package via GitHub Actions.
  5. Update renovate-config.js to point to your newly created repository. See Dependency Management for more information.

Project structure

Step package repositories use a monorepo structure, which supports:

  • Independent versioning and change log management for steps and deployment targets within a single repository
  • Simpler consumption patterns for target inputs within steps
  • Simpler change propagation across multiple versions of steps. For an example of a step with multiple versions and associated migration definitions, see the Migration Sample

A single step package repository is modelled on a volatility boundary - it groups together a set of steps and targets we reasonably expect to change together.

We strongly recommend the use of PNPM workspaces and Changesets for package, build, and release management within the monorepo. This template pre-configures these tools for you.

Note: You will need PNPM to be installed globally on you machine see docs here

The preferred directory structure for a step package mono-repo is shown below:

  • \
    • steps - A directory containing one or more step definitions.
      • <step-name> - A directory containing the definition of a step. There may be many of these directories defining many steps or versions of a step within a single step package.
        • src - The parent directory containing the step code and assets.
          • __tests__ - The directory containing step tests.
            • executor.spec.ts - Tests validating the logic in the executor.ts file.
          • executor.ts - The code to be executed when a step is run by Octopus.
          • inputs.ts - The definition of the inputs required by the step.
          • logo.svg - The image to be displayed in the Octopus web UI for the step.
          • metadata.json - The step metadata.
          • ui.ts - The step UI definition.
          • validation.ts - The step input validation rules.
        • CHANGELOG.md - The Changesets CHANGELOG.
        • package.json - The packages required by this step.
        • tsconfig.json - The TypeScript compiler options file for this step.
    • targets - A directory containing one or more deployment target definitions.
      • <target-name> - A directory containing the definition of a deployment target. There may be many of these directories defining many targets within a single step package. The structure of the contents for a target is identical to that of a step - see <step-name>.
        • NOTE: Versioning of deployment targets beyond minor and patch bumps of the published 1.0 version is not supported.
    • .eslintignore - The ESLint ignore file.
    • .eslintrc.js - The ESLint configuration file.
    • .gitignore - The git ignore file.
    • .prettierrc - The prettier configuration file.
    • global.d.ts - The TypeScript global libraries.
    • package.json - The Node.js project file.
    • pnpm-lock.json - The specific package versions to be retrieved by PNPM.
    • pnpm-workspace.json - The PNPM workspace definition file.
    • tsconfig.json - The TypeScript compiler options file.

Creating a new step package

Step packages have a convention based structure.

They implement a common Step API which comprises the types you are required to implement to present a conforming step package.

Adding a new target

Adding a new target involves creating the following files under the targets/<target-name>-target directory. In the case of this sample step package, we'll create them under targets/hello-world-target:

  • src
    • metadata.json
    • inputs.ts
    • executor.js
    • ui.ts
    • validation.ts
  • package.json
  • tsconfig.json


The metadata.json file provides details about the target. A sample is shown below:


The expected contents of metadata.json are documented within the step package documentation

TODO: Discuss alignment of ID within metadata.json and package.json



The inputs.ts file exports an interface defining the input fields required by the target. This interface is consumed by executor.ts to read the values when performing the target's health check, ui.ts to build up the form exposed in the Octopus web UI, and validate.ts to verify new values.

An example is shown below exposing a single string field:

export default interface HelloWorldTargetInputs {
    greetingPrefix: string;



Targets perform a health check to validate their inputs and check the state of the system they represent. This health check is performed by the function exported by the executor.ts file.

The example below prints some text to the log during a health check, and will always pass, meaning the target is always healthy:




The form displayed by the Octopus web UI is defined by the function exported by the ui.ts file. The form is defined as an instance of the DeploymentTargetUI interface, which has two functions: createInitialInputs and editInputsForm.

The createInitialInputs function allows the initial default field values to be defined.

The editInputsForm function provides a DSL for building the user interface. The parameter is the inputs type defined in inputs.ts.

The various field components like text are imported from @octopusdeploy/step-api.

Here we define the initial value of the greetingPrefix input to be Hello, and build the form with a single text input:




Form validation is performed by the function exported by the validate.ts file. This function returns an array of ValueValidator objects, and takes two parameters:

  1. The target inputs as input paths.
  2. A validation function that returns a ValueValidator and takes two parameters:
    1. An input path.
    2. A function returning a string containing the error code (or returns nothing if there is no validation error) and takes the input value (retrieved from the input path) as the first parameter.

Here is an example:


Adding a new step

Adding a new step closely resembles adding a new deployment target. New files for the step are added under steps/<step-name>/src. The same files are required, and the same conventions are followed.

The key differences for steps are outlined below. Anything not outlined is assumed to be the same as defined for adding a new target.


Step metadata differs slightly from target metadata.

Please review the step package documentation to understand the differences.


The executor.ts file contains the logic to be executed when the step is run as part of a deployment process.

Unlike the function returned by the target executor.ts function, a step executor.ts function can receive inputs from both the step and the target. The combination of the inputs defined by these two resources allows a step executor to perform a common action on multiple targets.

For this example we print the greeting defined in the target and the name defined on the step to the output log:



The step form displayed by the Octopus web UI is defined much the same as it was with the target. There are some subtle differences though:

  • It implements the StepUI type.
  • The parameter to the editInputsForm function is an instance of AvailableStepComponents, which exposes a different widget set.

Here we define the initial value of the name input to be a blank string, and build the form with a single text input:


Building the step package

To build step packages, run the following commands:

  1. pnpm install
  2. pnpm run build
  3. pnpm run test
  4. pnpm run local:publish

The step package files are saved under the .\dist folder. Copy the contents of this folder to the steps folder in Octopus.

If you are testing with a locally built copy of Octopus, place the ZIP file in \source\Octopus.Server\bin\net5.0\steps.

Releasing the step package

This repository uses Changesets for release management.

This means, that any changes that you want to release, and thus require a release note and version bump, should be accompanied by a change set.

Some changes may not require a release - these can be contributed via PR without a changeset.

In order to add a change set, run npx changeset add which will:

  • Ask you what sort of version bump is required for this change
  • Prompt you to supply release notes for the change

These details will automatically be captured in a markdown file under the .changesets folder within your PR.

Once your PR is merged, the build will use the Changesets Github Action to create a separate Version Packages PR which includes the merged release notes within the appropriate CHANGELOG.md files, and applied version bumps within the appropriate package.json files, which you will need to review.

Upon merging the Version Packages PR, the repository will be tagged with the new version, and a Github Release will be created for each changed step package.

Note: for the time being, to access the newly-versioned package, you will need to retrieve it from the build artifacts produced after the Version Packages PR is merged. In the future, this will be published somewhere central.

Using the step package

With the step package copied to the steps directory, target can now be selected when creating a new deployment target:

The step is available when building a deployment project:

Here is the result of a deployment with the new step package:

Dependency Management

This repository uses Renovate to automate the process of keeping its dependencies up to date.

Renovate is configured to:

  • Run once an hour
  • Ensure all dependency updates have associated PRs
  • Ensure all PRs checks are green before any auto merging can occur
  • Auto-merge digest and patch bumps, test libraries, linters, and type packages
  • Rebase when the PR is conflicting with its base